PDA Technical Glossary

PDA Technical Glossary

PDA Technical Reports are highly valued membership benefits because they offer expert guidance and opinions on important scientific and regulatory topics and are used as essential references by industry and regulatory authorities around the world. These reports include terms which explain the material and enhance the reader’s understanding.

The database presented here includes the glossary terms from all current technical reports. The database is searchable by keyword, topic, or by technical report. Each definition provided includes a link to the source technical report within the  PDA Technical Report Portal.

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Small glass beads (spheres) obtainable in a range of sizes, used in the recovery of spores from paper carriers. (TR51)
The total number of microorganisms per unit of material prior to sterilization. (TR13) Total number of viable microorganisms on or in a health care product prior to sterilization. (TR22)(TR61)(TR62) A population of viable microorganisms in a fluid prior to sterilizing filtration. (TR26) A measure of the contaminating organisms found in or on a given amount of material before it undergoes a sterilization process. (TR45) (TR70) The number of detectable microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) with which an object is contaminated. It is measured in CFU (colony forming units). (TR47) The number of viable, contaminating microorganisms present on a product immediately prior to decontamination. (TR51) Viable microbial contaminants associated with personnel manufacturing environments (air and surfaces), equipment, product packaging, raw materials (including water), in-process materials, and finished products. (TR 67) (TR 69)
Biological Indicator (BI)
An inoculated carrier contained within its primary pack ready for use and providing a defined resistance to the specified sterilization process. (TR51)
The steps taken for switching multiproduct equipment from the manufacture of one product to the manufacture of a different product. (TR29) (TR49)
A process that is designed to remove soil (including microorganisms) and may consist of cleaning and/or disinfection. (TR51)
(1) A departure of a quality characteristic from its intended level or state that occurs with a severity sufficient to cause an associated product or service not to satisfy its intended normal or foreseeable usage requirements. (TR51) (2) The nonfulfillment of intended usage requirements. The departure or absence of one or more quality characteristics from intended usage requirements. (TR43)
A type of spore formed intracellularly by some bacterial genera. (TR51)
Relating to those characters that reside in the genetic complement of a specific strain of a specific organism. (TR51)
Master Seed Stock
Reference culture of a microorganism derived from an authenticated source such as American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) and used to produce working seed lots. (TR51)
Most Probable Number (MPN) Method
A statistical method of estimating the number of viable organisms suspended in a liquid. (TR51)
Working Seed Lot
A seed lot generated from the master seed stock by a single passage. (TR51)