PDA Technical Glossary
PDA Technical Reports are highly valued membership benefits because they offer expert guidance and opinions on important scientific and regulatory topics and are used as essential references by industry and regulatory authorities around the world. These reports include terms which explain the material and enhance the reader’s understanding.
The database presented here includes the glossary terms from all current technical reports. The database is searchable by keyword, topic, or by technical report. Each definition provided includes a link to the source technical report within the PDA Technical Report Portal.
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- TR 54-2: QRM: Packaging Labeling (6)
- TR 44: QRM: Aseptic Processes (4)
- TR 54-5: Quality Risk Management for the Design, Qualification, and Operation of Manufacturing Systems (3)
- TR 54-3: QRM: Drug Products (2)
- TR 58: Temp Controlled Distribution (2)
- TR 68: Drug Shortage Management (2)
- TR 56: Phase Appropriate cGMP Application (1)
- TR 65: Technology Transfer (1)
- TR 67: Objectionable Microorganisms (1)
- TR 72: Passive Thermal Protection Systems: Qualification/Operations (1)
- TR 74: Reprocessing of Biopharmaceuticals (1)
- TR 60-3: Process Validation: A Lifecycle Approach: Bio Drug Sub Mfg (1)
- TR 88: Microbial Data Deviation Investigations in the Pharmaceutical Industry (1)
- TR 81: Cell-Based Therapy Control Strategy (1)
- TR 30: Parametric Release (1)
- TR 60-2: Process Validation: A Lifecycle Approach, Annex 1: Oral Solid Dosage/Semisolid Dosage Forms (1)
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Critical Process Parameter (CPP) or Critical Operational Parameter
A process parameter whose variability has an impact on a critical quality attribute and therefore should be monitored or controlled to ensure the process produces the desired quality. (TR54) (TR54-4) (TR56) (TR54-5) (TR60-2) (TR5 6) (TR 81)
An input process parameter that should be controlled within a meaningful operating range to ensure that drug substance critical quality attributes meet their specifications. Although parameters with wide operating ranges may also impact product quality, they are generally easily controlled and not as likely to result in excursions that impact quality and are therefore low risk of occurrence. (TR60-3)
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
A method of assessing and evaluating risk. (TR44)
A systematic method for identifying, analyzing, prioritizing and documenting potential failure modes, their effects on system, product and process performance, and the possible causes of failure in order to prevent defects from occurring. (TR54) (TR54-2) (TR54-3) (TR54-4) (TR74) (TR54-5)
A tool for analyzing processes or systems to evaluate all operating steps in order to identify and assess the risk associated with any potential failures. (TR65)
An analytical technique that results in a rankordered list of concerns to take action on. (TR72)
Damage to health, including damage occurring from loss of product quality or availability. (TR44) (TR54) (TR54-2) (TR54-4) (TR68)
The combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm.(TR30) (TR44) (TR54) (TR54-2) (TR54-4) (TR58) (TR67) (TR68) (TR88)
Risk Analysis
The estimation of the risk associated with the identified hazards. (TR13) (TR30) (TR44) (TR54) (TR54-2) (TR58) (TR54-5)
Risk Management Report
Report that summarizes the outcomes of the QRM process. (TR54) (TR54-2) (TR54-5)
Severity (S)
A measure of the possible consequences of a hazard. (TR44) (TR54) (TR54-2) (TR54-3)(TR54-4) (TR54-5)