PDA Technical Glossary
PDA Technical Reports are highly valued membership benefits because they offer expert guidance and opinions on important scientific and regulatory topics and are used as essential references by industry and regulatory authorities around the world. These reports include terms which explain the material and enhance the reader’s understanding.
The database presented here includes the glossary terms from all current technical reports. The database is searchable by keyword, topic, or by technical report. Each definition provided includes a link to the source technical report within the PDA Technical Report Portal.
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- TR 41: Virus Filtration (7)
- TR 47: Virus Spikes/Virus Clearance (3)
- TR 15: Validation: TFF in Biopharmaceuticals (3)
- TR 45: Depth Filtration (2)
- TR 51: Biological Indicators (1)
- TR 61: Steam in Place (1)
- TR 70: Cleaning/Disinfection Programs (1)
- TR 1: Validation: Moist Heat (1)
- TR 26: Sterilizing Filtration of Liquids (1)
- TR 83: Virus Contamination in Biomanufacturing: Risk Mitigation, Preparedness, and Response (1)
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A bacteriophage is any one of a number of viruses that infect bacteria. The term is commonly used in its shortened form, “phage”. (TR41) (TR 47)
Batch Filtration Process
In a batch filtration process, the entire volume to be filtered is held in a single feed tank. The retentate stream is recycled back to that single feed tank. (TR15)
A demonstration of unit operation performance at two different values of a given parameter (e.g., ionic strength, dwell time or temperature), allowing the use any values of that parameter falling within this range. (TR41)
Bracketing Approach
A scientific approach for defining product/load characteristics (e.g., viscosity, container sizes, container fill volumes, item sizes, loading configurations) that are tested (in a qualification study or validation study) at upper and/or lower limits. (TR1) (TR61) A validation method that tests the extremes of a process or product. The method assumes the extremes will be representative of all the samples between the extremes. (TR26)
Lenticular Filters
A filter made up of a series of biconvex cells that are stacked on top of one another with rings between them to prevent bypass between the cells. End-caps are then placed at the top and bottom of the assembly and are held in place with a central core. [Synonyms: Lenticular Cartridge, Modules, Filter Elements, Filter Devices] (TR45)
Log Reduction
Log reduction is defined as the first log being 90%, the second log being 9% and the third log being 0.09% of the original inoculums. (TR70)
The part of the filter through which fluid passes that retains particles during filtration. (TR45)
Most Probable Number (MPN) Method
A statistical method of estimating the number of viable organisms suspended in a liquid. (TR51)
Nominal Molecular-Weight Cutoff (NMWCO)
A manufacturer’s measure of an ultrafiltration membrane based on a defined solute-retention coefficient. (TR15)
Nominal Pore Size Rating
A filter rating with an arbitrary value, indicating a particulate size range at which the filter manufacturer claims the filter removes some percentage. Nominal ratings vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and may not be suitable to compare filters among manufacturers. Processing conditions, such as operating pressure and concentration of contaminant may have a significant effect on the retention efficiency of the nominally rated filters. (TR41)
Nonspecific Model Virus
A virus used for characterization of viral clearance of the process when the purpose is to characterize the capacity of the manufacturing process to remove and/or inactivate viruses in general (i.e., to characterize the general viral clearance capacity of the purification process.) (TR41)
Stirred-Cell Filtration
A surrogate for tangential flow filtration where shear is achieved by rapidly stirring the solution immediately adjacent to the membrane. Typically the stirring is accomplished by mechanical means, such as through the use of a stir bar or impeller. (TR15)
Surrogate Fluid
A model process fluid used in a small-scale validation study. The fluid is intended to either match or resemble an actual process fluid as closely as is feasible. (TR41)
Ultrafiltration Membranes
Membranes that retain particles whose sizes are measured by molecular weight, with retention ranges from 1,000 to 1,000,000 (Daltons). (TR41)
Viral Removal
Physical separation of virus particles from the intended product. (TR47) (TR83)
Volumetric Throughput (Vmax)
The maximum volume that can be processed through a filter area. It is the volumetric capacity of the filter for a given process fluid and generally expressed in L/m2. (TR41) (TR47)