PDA Technical Glossary

PDA Technical Glossary

PDA Technical Reports are highly valued membership benefits because they offer expert guidance and opinions on important scientific and regulatory topics and are used as essential references by industry and regulatory authorities around the world. These reports include terms which explain the material and enhance the reader’s understanding.

The database presented here includes the glossary terms from all current technical reports. The database is searchable by keyword, topic, or by technical report. Each definition provided includes a link to the source technical report within the  PDA Technical Report Portal.

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Action Level
An established microbial or airborne particle level that, when exceeded, indicates a process is outside of its normal operating range. A response to such an excursion should involve a documented investigation and corrective actions based on the results of that investigation. (TR13) An established microbial or non-viable particle level that, when exceeded, should trigger appropriate investigation and corrective action based on the investigation. (TR22) An established microbial or airborne particle level for environmental, water or gas monitoring that, when exceeded, indicates that a facility process is outside of its normal operating range. The response to such an excursion involves a documented investigation and corrective actions based on the results of that investigation. The prescribed action level is often specified in guidance or standards relating to environmental monitoring and water quality. (TR69) An established microbial or nonviable particle level for environmental, water, or gas monitoring that, when exceeded, indicates a facility or process is outside of its normal operating range. The response to such an excursion may involve a documented investigation and corrective actions based on the results. The prescribed action level is often specified in guidances or standards relating to environmental monitoring and water quality (3-6). (TR88)
Action Level (environmental monitoring)
An established microbial or non-viable particle level that, when exceeded, should trigger appropriate investigation and corrective action based on the investigation. (TR22)
Action Limit
An internal (in-house) value used to assess the consistency of the process. The cause of the excursion should be investigated and documented and corrective action is generally required. Action limits are not specifications. (TR42) An established internal (in-house) data-based value which is part of the control strategy and used to assess the consistency of the manufacturing process. An action limit excursion result in an investigation, identification of recovered isolates, root-cause analysis, assessment of a systemic failure and impact on product quality and patient safety. (TR69) An established internal (in-house) data-based value that is part of the control strategy and used to assess the consistency of the manufacturing process. An action limit excursion result in an investigation, identification of recovered isolates, root-cause analysis, assessment of a systemic failure and impact on product quality and patient safety. (TR74) A limit that, when exceeded, indicates a process is outside of its normal operating range. A response to such an excursion should involve a documented investigation and corrective actions based on the results of that investigation. (TR60)
Action Plan
A written plan consisting of elements to be accomplished to achieve a specific result. The plan describes responsibility for each element and a target date for completion. (TR22)
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API)
Synonym: Drug Substance. (TR14) (TR42) A substance or mixture of substances that, when delivered in a finished drug product, directly affects the structure or function of the body. (TR54-4) Any substance or mixture of substance intended to be used in the manufacture of a drug (medicinal) product and that, when used in the production of a drug, becomes an active ingredient of the drug product. Such substances are intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease or to affect the structure and function of the body. Note: also known as Drug Substance. (TR29) (TR56) (TR41) (TR54-3) (TR60) Any substance or mixture of substances intended to be used in the compounding of a drug preparation, thereby becoming the active ingredient in that preparation and furnishing pharmacological activity o other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in humans and animals or affecting the structure and function of the body. (TR63) (TR70) Any substance or mixture of substances intended to be used in the manufacture of a drug product, and that when used in the production of a drug, becomes an active ingredient in the drug product. Such substances are intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease, or to affect the structure and function of the body. (TR74)
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Equivalent to Drug Substance for large molecules
Any substance or mixture of substances intended to be used in the manufacture of a drug (medicinal) product and that, when used in the production of drug, becomes an active ingredient of the drug product. Such substances are intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease or to affect the structure and function of the body. (TR60)
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Starting Material
A raw material, intermediate, or an API that is used in the production of an API and that is incorporated as a significant structural fragment into the structure of the API. An API Starting Material can be an article of commerce, a material purchased from one or more suppliers under contract or commercial agreement, or produced in-house. API Starting Materials normally have defined chemical properties and structures. (TR60)
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) or (Drug substance)
Any substance or mixture of substances intended to be used in the manufacture of a drug (medicinal) product and when used in the production of a drug, becomes an active ingredient of the drug product (also called “drug substance”). (TR29) Any substance or mixture of substances intended to be used in the manufacture of a drug (medicinal) product and that, when used in the production of a drug, becomes an active ingredient in the drug product. Such substances are intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease or to affect the structure and function of the body. (TR54-3) Any substance or mixture of substances intended to be used in the compounding of a drug preparation, thereby becoming the active ingredient in that preparation and furnishing pharmacological activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in humans and animals or affecting the structure and function of the body. (TR63)
Advanced Aseptic Process
A process in which direct intervention with open product containers or exposed product contact surfaces by operators wearing conventional cleanroom garments is not required and never permitted. (TR77)
Adventitious Agents
A foreign material that is introduced inadvertently; not natural or hereditary (as in microbial, chemical, or biochemical contamination of a purified substance). (TR 69)
Adverse Event (AE) Report
An AE report is a communication to the U.S. FDA of an undesirable sign or symptom associated with use of a drug as required and detailed by 21 CFR 314.80. These reports are logged into the U.S. FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS). Drug manufacturers are required to report adverse event information to FDA. These reports may also may be voluntarily submitted to the FDA directly by healthcare professionals or the general public at Med Watch. The reports are reviewed, safety issues are monitored, and data are periodically analyzed and assessed by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). (TR55)
Adverse Trend
A series of alert-level or action-level excursions that indicates the system or areas are not in control and have the potential to affect the product quality. (TR 70) An increase in the frequency of alert- and action-level excursions or repeated recovery of low levels of microorganisms below the alert level during microbial monitoring or of pharmaceutical ingredient or finished product failure that is indicative of a loss of process control. (TR88)
Aerobic Microorganism
A microorganism that utilizes oxygen as the final electron acceptor during metabolism; a microorganism that will grow primarily in the presence of oxygen. For the purpose of this report, this definition encompasses facultative anaerobes. (TR22) (TR62)
Clumping of proteins, viruses, or bacteria that may arise from several mechanisms and may be classified in numerous ways, including soluble/insoluble, covalent/noncovalent, reversible/irreversible, and native/denatured. (TR47)
Air Removal Test
A test used to evaluate air removal and steam penetration in an empty sterilizer that is used for porous/hard goods load sterilization (e.g., Bowie-Dick Test, DART, Lantor Cube, Browns’ Test). (TR01) (TR 48)
Alert Level
An established microbial or nonviable particle level giving early warning of potential drift from normal operating conditions; not necessarily grounds for definitive corrective action but typically requires follow-up investigation. (TR13) (TR22) (TR69) An established level that, when exceeded, is giving an early warning of a potential drift from normal operating conditions; while not necessarily grounds for definitive corrective action, it typically requires follow-up review. (TR 60) An established microbial or nonviable particle level giving early warning of potential drift from normal operating conditions; not necessarily grounds for definitive corrective action, but typically requires follow-up investigation (3, 4, 7). (TR88)
Alert Limit
An established internal (in-house) data-based value giving early warning of potential drift of manufacturing process from normal operating conditions and triggers appropriate follow-up investigations. Alert limits are always lower than action limits. (TR69)
Alternative or Rapid Microbiological Method (RMM)
A novel, modern and/or fast microbiological testing method that is different from a classical or traditional growth-based method, such as agar-plate counting or recovery in liquid broth media. The alternative or rapid method may utilize instrumentation and software to manage the testing and resulting data, and may provide quantitative, qualitative and/or microbial identification test results. Automated technologies that utilize classical growth-based methods may also be designated as being novel, modern or rapid, based on their scientific principle and approach to microbial detection. The terms alternative, rapid microbiological method, rapid method and the acronym RMM are used interchangeably within this technical report. (TR33)
Animal-Derived Raw Materials (Primary)
Contains in the final raw material or uses in the manufacturing process of the final raw material, any raw material derived directly from bovine or other animal tissues, for example, bovine serum, porcine-derived trypsin, and animal-tissue-de­rived hydrolysates. (TR83)
Animal-Derived Raw Materials (Secondary)
Non-animal in origin but may be derived from processes that include materials from animal components that come in direct contact with the raw material, for example, a recombinant protein produced in an E. coli fermentation that uses fermentation medium containing tryptone, or a recombinant protein expressed in plants that are exposed to bovine manure fertilizer. (TR83)
Anisotropic (Asymmetric) Membrane
A membrane in which the pore size and structure differ from one face to the other. These membranes are usually considered “directional” because of the difference in flow characteristics, depending on which surface of the membrane faces the feed stream. (TR15)
Antimicrobial Chemical Agent
Substance used to destroy or suppress the growth of microorganisms, whether bacteria, fungi, or viruses, on inanimate objects and surfaces. (TR70)
Area Disinfection
Aseptic Processing
Handling sterile materials in a controlled environment, in which the air supply, facility, materials, equipment and personnel are regulated to control microbial and particulate contamination to acceptable levels. (TR28) (TR62) (TR69) Handling of sterile product, containers, and/ or devices in a controlled environment in which the air supply, materials, equipment, and personnel are regulated to maintain (product) sterility. (TR13)
Aseptic Processing Area (APA)
Controlled environment, consisting of several zones, in which the air supply, facility, materials, equipment and personnel are regulated to control microbial and particulate contamination to acceptable levels. (TR22) (TR28) (TR62) (TR70)
Aseptic Processing Simulation (APS)
A physical, chemical, or microbiological property or characteristic of an input or output material. (TR60)
Attributes (Process Performance Attribute)
An output variable or outcome that cannot be directly controlled, but is an indicator that the process performed as expected.(Synonym - Process Performance Parameter) (TR60)
Attributes (Quality Attribute)
A molecular or product characteristic that is selected for its ability to indicate the quality of the product. Collectively, the quality attributes define identity, purity, potency and stability of the product, and safety with respect to adventitious agents. Specifications measure a selected subset of the quality attributes. (TR60)
Backstop (Finger Plate or Thumb Plate)
Feature that enhances the area to hold the syringe and is usually designed to avoid accidental removal of the plunger from the back. By design, it may also serve as a flange extender to facilitate holding of the syringe during injection. (TR 73)
The total number of microorganisms per unit of material prior to sterilization. (TR13) Total number of viable microorganisms on or in a health care product prior to sterilization. (TR22)(TR61)(TR62) A population of viable microorganisms in a fluid prior to sterilizing filtration. (TR26) A measure of the contaminating organisms found in or on a given amount of material before it undergoes a sterilization process. (TR45) (TR70) The number of detectable microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) with which an object is contaminated. It is measured in CFU (colony forming units). (TR47) The number of viable, contaminating microorganisms present on a product immediately prior to decontamination. (TR51) Viable microbial contaminants associated with personnel manufacturing environments (air and surfaces), equipment, product packaging, raw materials (including water), in-process materials, and finished products. (TR 67) (TR 69)
Biological Active Substance
Manufactured biological active substances and medicinal products involving biological process­es and materials, such as cultivation of cells or extraction from living organisms. (TR56)
Biological Activity
Property that describes the specific ability or capacity of a product to achieve a defined biological effect. (TR57)
Biological Indicator (BI)
An inoculated carrier contained within its primary pack ready for use and providing a defined resistance to the specified sterilization process. (TR51)
Biological Medicinal Product
A product (therapeutic or prophylactic) for human use that has been manufactured in or from a biological source. Examples include recombinant therapeutic proteins or vaccines. Biological medicinal products are also referred to as: biological medicines, biological products, biologics and biologic drugs. (TR 71)
Biological Qualification
A component of performance qualification that demonstrates, by use of biological indicators, that the required lethality (FBIO) is achieved consistently throughout the load. (TR1) (TR3) (TR30) A component of performance qualification that demonstrates, by use of biological indicators, that the required lethality (FBIO) or spore log reduction (SLR) is achieved consistently throughout the sterilized or sanitized portion of the SIP system. (TR61)
Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC)
An enclosed, ventilated workspace with engineering controls designed to remove or minimize exposure to hazardous biological materials. A BSC is a principle device to provide containment of infectious splashes or aerosols generated by many microbiological procedures. BSCs are designed to provide personnel, environmental and product protection when appropriate practices and procedures are followed. A cabinet that is designed to protect the operator and the environment from the hazards of handling infected material and other dangerous biological. (TR62)
Biological Tests
Biological tests include animal, cell culture, or biochemical based testing that measures a biological, biochemical, or physiological response. (TR38)
Biologics License Application (BLA)
An application, filed with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which contains specific information on the manufacturing processes, chemistry, pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and the medical effects of the biologic product (similar function as the Marketing Authorization Application in Europe). (TR56)
The enzyme chlorophenol o-methyltransferase responsible for fungal methylation has been isolated in cell-free extracts. Biomethylation, in this context, may be seen as a detoxification mechanism, although it plays a role in the production of mycotoxins by secondary metabolism. Slightly xerophilic fungi frequently associated halophenol biomethylation include Trichoderma longibrachiatum, Trichoderma virgatum, Aspergillus sydowii, and Penicillium islandicum. (TR55)
Break-loose Force
Energy required to initiate plunger movement within the syringe barrel upon injection. (TR 73)
CE Marking
The CE marking is a key indicator of a product’s compliance with EU legislation and enables the free movement of products within the European market. (TR58)
Chamber Cold Spot
The location(s) within the load zone that achieves the lowest process lethality (F0) and/or the lowest distribution temperatures during the sterilization process. (TR01)
Chamber Heat-Up Time
The elapsed time measured from the introduction of steam in the heat-up phase (“steam on”) to the point when the temperature of the heating medium within the chamber reaches the exposure temperature set point. (TR01)
Chamber Leak Test
A test conducted to evaluate possible air infiltration to the chamber under vacuum. [Synonym: Vacuum Leak Test] (TR1) (TR48)
Change Control
A formal program that describes evaluation and actions to be taken if a change is proposed or completed to facilities, materials, equipment, and/or processes used in the fabrication, packaging, and testing of drugs, or a proposed or completed change that may affect the operation of the quality or support systems. (TR22) (TR39) (TR52) (TR58) (TR64) (TR 70)
The steps taken for switching multiproduct equipment from the manufacture of one product to the manufacture of a different product. (TR29) (TR49)
Characterization Method
Scientifically sound method of a generally complex nature that is used for nonroutine assessment of specific biochemical, chemical, physicochemical, immunochemical, microbiological, and biological characteristics or inherent properties of a compound. (TR 57-2)
Characterization Study
A series of tests designed to increase process knowledge by examining proposed operational ranges and their individual and/or combined impact on the chromatography process. (TR14) A late-stage study that evaluates the process to increase process knowledge and examines proposed operational ranges and their individual and/or combined impact on target protein quality. (TR42)
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