PDA Technical Glossary

PDA Technical Glossary

PDA Technical Reports are highly valued membership benefits because they offer expert guidance and opinions on important scientific and regulatory topics and are used as essential references by industry and regulatory authorities around the world. These reports include terms which explain the material and enhance the reader’s understanding.

The database presented here includes the glossary terms from all current technical reports. The database is searchable by keyword, topic, or by technical report. Each definition provided includes a link to the source technical report within the  PDA Technical Report Portal.

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The total number of microorganisms per unit of material prior to sterilization. (TR13) Total number of viable microorganisms on or in a health care product prior to sterilization. (TR22)(TR61)(TR62) A population of viable microorganisms in a fluid prior to sterilizing filtration. (TR26) A measure of the contaminating organisms found in or on a given amount of material before it undergoes a sterilization process. (TR45) (TR70) The number of detectable microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) with which an object is contaminated. It is measured in CFU (colony forming units). (TR47) The number of viable, contaminating microorganisms present on a product immediately prior to decontamination. (TR51) Viable microbial contaminants associated with personnel manufacturing environments (air and surfaces), equipment, product packaging, raw materials (including water), in-process materials, and finished products. (TR 67) (TR 69)
Proof that no adverse interaction between the filter and the process fluid has occurred. (TR26) A term used in relation to the non-reactivity of filter materials with the substance to be filtered. (TR45)
A chemical component that is removed from a material by application of an artificial or exaggerated force (e.g., solvent, temperature, time). The term extractable is often erroneously used to describe a leachable. (TR14) (TR15) (TR26) (TR41) (TR45) Chemical substances that can be extracted from components of material process fluid contact surfaces by exertion of an exaggerated force (e.g., organic solvent, extreme elevated temperature, ionic strength, pH, contact time, etc.) Extractables may represent most but not all of the potential leachables that may be seen in process fluids. (TR66) Extractables are organic and inorganic chemical entities that can be released from a pharmaceutical packaging/delivery system, packaging component, or packaging material of construction under laboratory conditions. (TR54-4) Organic or inorganic chemical entity that is forced out of container closure system materials and components under laboratory experimental conditions. (TR73)
Flow Rate
The volumetric rate of flow of a solution, expressed in units of volume per time (e.g., L/min or gal/day). (TR15) (TR26)
Fouling (or Clogging)
Adsorption or interaction with components in the feed stream resulting in a decrease in membrane performance. Generally, fouling can be reversed by cleaning the membrane. (TR15) The result of solutes blinding or blocking membrane pores. It is observed as a decrease in the flux (at constant pressure) or an increase in the filtration differential pressure (at constant flux). (TR26)
Gauge Pressure
The pressure measured by a pressure gauge. Typically expressed in units of psig, bar or kilopascal. (TR45) Gauge pressure is the difference between a given fluid pressure and that of the atmosphere. (TR26)
Integrity Test
Test to determine the functional performance of a membrane filter or container/closure system. (TR22) A nondestructive test used to predict the functional performance of a filter. (TR45) A nondestructive physical test that can be correlated to the bacterial retention capability of a filter/filter assembly. (TR26)
A chemical component that migrates from a contact surface into a drug product or process fluid during storage or normal use conditions. The term leachable is often erroneously used to describe an extractable. (TR14) (TR26) Leachables are organic and inorganic chemical entities that migrate from a packaging/delivery system, packaging component, or packaging material of construction into an associated drug product under normal conditions of storage and use or during accelerated drug product stability studies. Leachables are typically a subset of extractables or are derived from extractables. (TR54-4) Chemical substances that are leached, from product-contact or non-product-contact materials, under typical process conditions and detected in final dosage. Leachables may be a subset of extractables, and can include their reaction or breakdown products. (TR66) Organic or inorganic chemical entity that migrates from pharmaceutical container closure system components into a drug product formulation. (TR73)