PDA Technical Glossary

PDA Technical Glossary

PDA Technical Reports are highly valued membership benefits because they offer expert guidance and opinions on important scientific and regulatory topics and are used as essential references by industry and regulatory authorities around the world. These reports include terms which explain the material and enhance the reader’s understanding.

The database presented here includes the glossary terms from all current technical reports. The database is searchable by keyword, topic, or by technical report. Each definition provided includes a link to the source technical report within the  PDA Technical Report Portal.

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AOAC International (Association Official Analytical Communities)
Serves communities of the analytical sciences by providing the tools and processes necessary to develop voluntary consensus standards or technical standards through stakeholder consensus and working groups in which the fit-for-purpose and method performance criteria are established and fully documented. (TR55)
Acceptance Limit
The maximum amount of residue allowed in a product, in an analytical sample, or as an amount per surface area. (TR29)
The closeness of the actual test results obtained by the new method to the actual test results obtained by the existing method. (TR33) An analytical procedure expresses the closeness of agreement between the value that is accepted either as a conventional true value or an accepted reference value and the value found. This is sometimes termed trueness. (TR57)
Air Removal Test
A test used to evaluate air removal and steam penetration in an empty sterilizer that is used for porous/hard goods load sterilization (e.g., Bowie-Dick Test, DART, Lantor Cube, Browns’ Test). (TR01) (TR 48)
A segment of double stranded DNA formed as the product of polymerase chain reaction or other amplification based techniques such as TMA or NASBA. (TR50)
Antimicrobial Chemical Agent
Substance used to destroy or suppress the growth of microorganisms, whether bacteria, fungi, or viruses, on inanimate objects and surfaces. (TR70)
Area Disinfection
Aseptic Processing
Handling sterile materials in a controlled environment, in which the air supply, facility, materials, equipment and personnel are regulated to control microbial and particulate contamination to acceptable levels. (TR28) (TR62) (TR69) Handling of sterile product, containers, and/ or devices in a controlled environment in which the air supply, materials, equipment, and personnel are regulated to maintain (product) sterility. (TR13)
Aseptic Processing Area (APA)
Controlled environment, consisting of several zones, in which the air supply, facility, materials, equipment and personnel are regulated to control microbial and particulate contamination to acceptable levels. (TR22) (TR28) (TR62) (TR70)
Aseptic Processing Simulation (APS)
A systematic difference in a method that manifests itself as a deviation of the method mean from an expected value. (TR57) Total systematic error, in contrast to random error. Measurement centered on the true result is said to be unbiased or have no systematic error. The distance between the center of a large (infinite) number of measurements and the correct value is the bias. (TR 57-2)
Bioanalytical Test Method
A method used to assess the presence of analytes (chemical or biological) in biological samples (e.g., serum, plasma, etc.). (TR57)
Analysis (as of a drug) to quantify the biological activity(ies) of one or more components by determining its capacity for producing an expected biological activity. (TR57)
The total number of microorganisms per unit of material prior to sterilization. (TR13) Total number of viable microorganisms on or in a health care product prior to sterilization. (TR22)(TR61)(TR62) A population of viable microorganisms in a fluid prior to sterilizing filtration. (TR26) A measure of the contaminating organisms found in or on a given amount of material before it undergoes a sterilization process. (TR45) (TR70) The number of detectable microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) with which an object is contaminated. It is measured in CFU (colony forming units). (TR47) The number of viable, contaminating microorganisms present on a product immediately prior to decontamination. (TR51) Viable microbial contaminants associated with personnel manufacturing environments (air and surfaces), equipment, product packaging, raw materials (including water), in-process materials, and finished products. (TR 67) (TR 69)
Biofouling (or Biological Fouling)
Accumulation and subsequent deleterious effects of biological contaminants on engineered products or processes (TR 69)
Biological Activity
Property that describes the specific ability or capacity of a product to achieve a defined biological effect. (TR57)
Biological Indicator (BI)
An inoculated carrier contained within its primary pack ready for use and providing a defined resistance to the specified sterilization process. (TR51)
Biological Qualification
A component of performance qualification that demonstrates, by use of biological indicators, that the required lethality (FBIO) is achieved consistently throughout the load. (TR1) (TR3) (TR30) A component of performance qualification that demonstrates, by use of biological indicators, that the required lethality (FBIO) or spore log reduction (SLR) is achieved consistently throughout the sterilized or sanitized portion of the SIP system. (TR61)
Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC)
An enclosed, ventilated workspace with engineering controls designed to remove or minimize exposure to hazardous biological materials. A BSC is a principle device to provide containment of infectious splashes or aerosols generated by many microbiological procedures. BSCs are designed to provide personnel, environmental and product protection when appropriate practices and procedures are followed. A cabinet that is designed to protect the operator and the environment from the hazards of handling infected material and other dangerous biological. (TR62)
Biological Tests
Biological tests include animal, cell culture, or biochemical based testing that measures a biological, biochemical, or physiological response. (TR38)
Characterization Study
A series of tests designed to increase process knowledge by examining proposed operational ranges and their individual and/or combined impact on the chromatography process. (TR14) A late-stage study that evaluates the process to increase process knowledge and examines proposed operational ranges and their individual and/or combined impact on target protein quality. (TR42)
Contact Time
The minimum amount of time that a sanitizer, disinfectant, or sporicide must be left in complete (wet) contact with the surface to be treated in order to be effective. (TR70)
Container Closure Integrity (CCI)
The ability of a package to prevent product loss, to block microorganism ingress, and to limit entry of detrimental gases or other substances, thus ensuring that the product meets all necessary safety and quality standards.(TR76)
Container Cold Spot
The location within a sealed liquid container that achieves the lowest process lethality (F0) during a sterilization process. (TR01)
Cool-Down Phase
The phase of a sterilization cycle that occurs after completion of the exposure phase. Parameters of a cool-down phase are typically defined in order to meet applicable user requirements for load cooling and drying. (TR01) The phase of a sterilization cycle that occurs after completion of the exposure phase. [Synonym: post-conditioning phase, slow exhaust phase, drying phase, equalization phase] (TR48) The phase of an SIP cycle that occurs after completion of the exposure phase. Parameters (e.g., time, temperature, pressure) of a cool-down phase are typically defined in order to meet applicable user requirements for system cooling and drying. (TR61)
A small, generally flat portion of a defined material of construction (such as stainless steel or PTFE) and of a defined surface finish, typically used for laboratory cleaning evaluations and/or for laboratory sampling recovery studies. (TR29) (TR49)
The appropriate distribution of a chemical agent needed on the equipment surface to be effective. (TR70)
Critical Area/Critical Zone
An area designed to maintain sterility of sterile materials. Sterilized product, containers, closures, and equipment may be exposed in critical areas. (TR13) (TR22) (TR44) (TR62)
Critical Process (CP)
A process that impacts a critical quality attribute of the intermediate, drug substance or drug product being manufactured and therefore should have established critical process parameters that can be monitored or controlled to ensure that the process produces the desired quality.
Cycle Development
A series of activities performed for the purpose of defining or confirming the cycle parameters (e.g., time, temperature, pressure) necessary to ensure sanitization or sterilization. (TR61)
Cycle Phases
A discrete series of sterilizer process steps (such as, heat-up, exposure and cool-down) performed sequentially that represent a complete sterilization cycle. (TR48)
Cytopathic Effect (CPe)
Morphological changes induced by viruses in infected cells in invitro culture. They are usually localized around a site of initial infection and vary in appearance based on the virus and the cultured cell. (TR47)
Cytopathic Virus
Viruses where infection of cells results in microscopically visible degeneration of the cells or other morphological changes. (TR47)
The time in minutes required for a one-logarithm, or 90%, reduction of the population of microorganisms used as a biological indicator under specified lethal conditions. For dry-heat sterilization, the D-value should always be specified with a reference temperature, DT. For example, a biological indicator (BI) challenge system with a D 160°C=1.9 minutes, requires 1.9 minutes at 160°C to reduce the population by one logarithm. (TR3) The time in minutes at a specific temperature required to reduce the population of a specific microorganism by 90% [or one (1) log] in defined conditions [e.g., method of sterilization (dry heat versus steam), solute, or carrier]. (TR13)
D-value (D10 -Value)
The time in minutes required for a one-logarithm, or 90%, reduction of the population of microorganisms used as a biological indicator under specified lethal conditions. (TR51)
DT Value
The time in minutes required for a onelogarithm, or 90%, reduction of the population of microorganisms used as a biological indicator under specified lethal conditions. For steam sterilization, the D-value should always be specified with a reference temperature, DT . For example, a BI system with a D121°C = 1.4 minutes requires 1.4 minutes at 121°C to reduce the population by one logarithm.(TR1) (TR61)
Dead Leg
Area of entrapment in a vessel or piping run that could lead to contamination of the product. (TR69)
An area of entrapment in the vessel or piping run that could lead to contamination of the product due to insufficient exposure to moist heat. (TR61)
A process that is designed to remove soil (including microorganisms) and may consist of cleaning and/or disinfection. (TR51)
The destruction and/or removal of bacterial endotoxins. A depyrogenation process should demonstrate at least 99.9% or a 3-log endotoxin reduction. (TR3) Removal or destruction of pyrogens. (TR70)
Dirty Hold Time
The time from the end of product manufacturing until the beginning of the cleaning process (also called “soiled hold time”). (TR29)
A chemical or physical agent that reduces, destroys, or eliminates vegetative forms of harmful microorganisms but not spores. (TR70)
The destruction of pathogenic and other kinds of microorganisms by thermal or chemical means. (TR51) (TR70) Process of eliminating nearly all recognized pathogenic microorganisms but not necessarily all microbial forms (e.g., bacterial spores) on inanimate objects. (TR69) The chemical or physical inactivation of a bioburden on inanimate surfaces. Typically this requires a minimum three-log (3-log) reduction of vegetative microorganisms and two-log (2-log) reduction for bacterial spore be achieved in validation. (TR13)
Dryness Fraction
An absolute measure of the actual latent heat of a sample of steam relative to the theoretical latent heat of saturated steam. (TR01) (TR48)
Dryness Value
A dimensionless test quantity developed to approximate the dryness fraction. (TR01)
Dwell Time
The period that items are subjected to a given processing condition. [Synonym: Residence Time] (TR3)
Endotoxin Indicator (EI) for Depyrogenation
An article challenged with a vial of endotoxin (or a carrier spiked with endotoxin) designed for use in depyrogenation studies. The endotoxin (a purified lipopolysaccaride) is validated for use in or on an endotoxin indicator. The carrier is made from a material appropriate for the intended depyrogenation processes to which it will be subjected. The endotoxin on a carrier is added at a concentration sufficient to allow recovery of a minimum of 1000 USP endotoxin units/carrier. The endotoxin indicator would allow for accurate indication of at least a 3-log reduction in USP endotoxin units during depyrogenation process challenges. (TR3)
Endpoint PCR
A classical PCR method based on repeated cycling of the reaction mixture between two or three temperatures (denaturing, annealing, and extension) with detection of the amplified product after reaction completion (e.g., by agarose gel electrophoresis). (TR50)
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