PDA New England Scholarship Information

NOTE: Significant changes have been made to the Scholarship program structure. Please review the eligibility criteria and required application materials carefully.

PDA New England Scholarship Application for Calendar Year 2025

The New England Chapter of the Parenteral Drug Association established the student chapter scholarship in 2009. Scholarships are awarded to high-achieving students with active PDA participation, promoting and strengthening the chapter. As of 2024, the chapter has awarded $130,000 in scholarships to deserving students! In 2025, eligible New England PDA student chapter members will be considered for the PDA New England Scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Applicants will be a PDA member for no less than 4 months prior to the start of the application period.
  • Applicants will be at least a part-time STEM student at a college or university that has a chartered New England PDA Student Chapter.
  • Applicants will have a GPA ≥ 3.25.
  • Applicants must be active participants within their student chapter and the New England chapter.
  • Students who receive full tuition and fee assistance are not eligible to apply. Funds awarded are only applicable towards tuition and fees. If eligible, funds may be applied to transfer university.

Required Application Materials
  • Applicants will submit a complete application before the application deadline.
  • Applicants will request an official electronic transcript be send directly from their university to the Scholarship Committee Chair at mcgrail.lindsay@gmail.com. The official transcript must be received before the application deadline.
  • Applicants will provide a letter of recommendation from a faculty member within their major with their application.
  • Applicants will provide a letter of recommendation from a second faculty member within or outside of their major with their application.
  • Applicants will provide a letter of recommendation from their student chapter President or President-Elect indicating participation in chapter activities with their application.
  • Applicants transferring to another university must additionally submit an acceptance letter. This is ONLY applicable to students transferring that want scholarship funds directed to the transfer university. This requirement is not applicable to non-transfer students.
Application and all supporting materials must be submitted by Friday May 9, 2025. For questions email: mcgrail.lindsay@gmail.com
  • Applicants will receive a notification to confirm a complete application.
  • Applicants will receive an email notification to confirm receipt of their official electronic transcript.
  • Applicants will receive a decision notification regarding their application by Friday August 1, 2025.
  • Scholarships will be paid by the New England PDA Treasurer directly to the Bursar of institution in one installment corresponding to the start of the fall semester.
Scholarship Program Policies
  • The New England PDA and Scholarship Committee reserves the right to change the scholarship eligibility requirements and submission criteria prior to scholarship release; scholarship awards are not pre-determined and may vary by year and number of eligible applicants received and available funding.
  • Students must be registered as PDA member for a minimum of 4 months prior to the start of the application period to qualify. For questions regarding PDA membership status, contact membership@pda.org.
  • Scholarship recipients are expected to remain active PDA members during the year in which the scholarship is awarded.
  • Funds awarded are only applicable towards tuition and fees and will be paid by the New England PDA Treasurer directly to the college or university in a single installment corresponding to the start of the fall semester.
  • An applicant who is awarded a scholarship may re-apply, if qualified, to be considered for another scholarship in the future.
  • An applicant who is not awarded a scholarship may re-apply, if qualified, to be considered for a scholarship in the future.