PDA Week 2024 Onsite

PDA Congratulates and Celebrates the PDA 2023 Award Winners

PDA 2023 Award Dinner Group Picture
2023 PDA Honor Awards Ceremony
PDA Week Daily

Read key takeaways from each day!

Call for Abstracts
PDA BioManufacturing Conference 2024

24-25 September | Gothenburg, Sweden

Deadline to Submit: 09 August (Posters Only)

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PDA Visual Inspection Forum 2025

10-11 March | Raleigh, NC

Deadline to Submit: 02 September

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PDA Annex 1 Workshop 2024

05-06 November | Dublin, Ireland

Deadline to Submit: 20 September (Posters Only)

Learn More Poster Submission

PDA Parenteral Packaging Conference 2025

25-26 March | Location to be Announced

Deadline to Submit: 06 September

Learn More Submit Your Abstract
