Talia Faison MS, CQA U.S. FDA

Talia Faison MS, CQA U.S. FDA Research Scientist, OPQ, CDER
Talia joined the FDA in 2016 as an ORISE Research Fellow as part of the Office of Pharmaceutical Quality Research (OPQR)- previously Office of Biotechnology(OBP)- Bioprocessing Lab within CDER's Office of Pharmaceutical Quality (OPQ). During her Fellowship, she worked on projects related to simulating occult mycoplasma contamination in a model bioprocess and subsequent product quality impacts of protein therapeutic drugs. She has since become a CMC Research-Reviewer in the same group specializing in bioseparations, protein characterization, and evaluation of emerging technology for advanced process control and analytics in biomanufacturing. Since 2020, Talia has also directed operations for the OBP arm of OPQ's Domestic Manufacturing research program which supports a variety of projects focused on Precision Analytics and Manufacturing of Biopharmaceuticals, Glycoproteins, and Synthetic Nucleic Acid Drugs in multiple OBP labs. Talia completed an M.S. in Biotechnology program at Georgetown University as a career change after previously spending 10 years in healthcare.