Cristiana Campa PhD GSK

Cristiana Campa PhD GSK Technical R&D Advisor
Cristiana Campa, PhD, is currently a Technical R&D Advisor at GSK Vaccines, with involvement in CMC development portfolio support and scientific advocacy, focusing on CMC strategies and innovation, with active participation in several cross-company working groups (e.g.,PDA, EFPIA/ Vaccines Europe, IFPMA). She has more than 20 years experience in biologics and related analytical and development approaches, gained in different universities and companies. She joined Novartis Vaccines in 2006, focusing on development, validation and transfer of analytical methods for release and characterization of several vaccine products, first as senior manager and then as Head of Analytical Development, Italy. Since 2012, Cristiana has worked on Quality by Design (QbD) principles implementation for vaccines. After acquisition of Novartis Vaccines by GSK in 2015, she has been the Head of QbD Integration and, until June 2018, the Head of Science and Development Practices in Technical R&D, covering QbD implementation, Knowledge Management and Development roadmaps. Since 2023, Cristiana is an elected member of the PDA Board of Directors. Since 2024, she is the co-chair of the PDA Vaccine Interest Group, and a member of the ICH Expert Working Group dedicated to ICHQ6 Guideline (Specifications) revision (EFPIA lead).