Erin Wall PhD U.S. FDA

Erin Wall PhD U.S. FDA Senior Pharmaceutical Quality Assessor, OPQ, CDER
Dr. Erin A. Wall is a Senior Pharmaceutical Quality Assessor at the FDA in the CDER Office of Pharmaceutical Quality, Office of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Assessment. She is a microbiologist who serves as a subject matter expert on manufacturing process and facility risks to liquid drug products. Dr. Wall has led and co-led division and office-wide trainings on different topics in manufacturing assessment. She has repeatedly volunteered to teach others when new topics are introduced to assessors in her discipline. Dr. Wall organized a data research project with an ORISE fellow to determine common deficiencies in ANDA applications in the Quality Microbiology discipline. This work eventually led to the formation of a working group which proposes collation and analysis of Quality Microbiology assessment data and information requests to inform future assessment. She continues to prioritize data analytics to improve the assessment process. Before joining the FDA, Dr. Wall was a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Susan Gottesman at the National Cancer Institute where she analyzed protein/protein interactions in a multicomponent signalling pathway in Enterobacteriaceae. Her graduate work under the mentorship of Gail Christie uncovered a novel drug target in Staphylococcus aureus and assessed its structure and function.