Julien Singer PhD BD

Julien Singer PhD

Julien Singer PhD BD R&D Senior Engineer

After holding different positions in the semiconductor field, from microelectronics to photovoltaics, Julien Singer reached BD in 2013 as a modeling and simulation expert. In his current role, Julien uses various modeling tools to understand and predict how medical devices behave. He supports project teams and subject matter experts to address the problems they face during the whole product life cycle, by defining the best modeling strategy and ensuring the best outcome of physics-based models. Another important aspect of his role is to capitalize on and disseminate modeling expertise across the R&D community and beyond. His fields of interest include structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, and tribology. Julien holds an engineering degree in Material Science from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) of Lyon, France, and a PhD in Modeling and Numerical Simulation from INSA Lyon.