Kevin Wright PhD Procter & Gamble

Kevin Wright PhD Procter & Gamble Director, Corporate Quality Assurance - Industrial Microbiology
With 30 years experience in Microbiology and Life Sciences challenges in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry, spanning R&D and industrial microbiology- I have worked across various regulated sectors for non-sterile products (Health, Home and Beauty Care). This journey has involved novel technologies, new products, and new/reapplied methods, covering both upstream and downstream applications and with solutions and innovation enabed through a combination of internal research, external collaborations (Academic & SME) and participation in cross industry groups (Kilmer/Microbiology Modernisation Cross Industry Consortium, PDA, PharMiG). As an industrial microbiologist, this has led to a consideration of a range of interconnected topics including biofilms, traditional, analytical and molecular methods, modelling and the integration of different manufacturing operations to deliver a quality end point. Most recently my focus has been on the application of these alternate approaches and measurements to microbiology in the assessment of the end to end quality of manufactured P&G products to facilitate rapid release, including Solid and liquid phase cytometry, molecular, Raman spectroscopy, guided mode resonance and digital integration in the supply chain as a quality metrics for in line and finished product release testing.