Miriam Guest Charles River Labs, Microbial Solutions

Miriam Guest Charles River Labs, Microbial Solutions Senior Principal Scientific Advisor
Miriam Guest is the Senior Principal Scientific Advisor at Microbial Solutions; she recently joined the organization following over 20 years with AstraZeneca. In her role, she provides scientific governance and strategic direction.
Miriam is part of the British Pharmacopoeia Panel MIC (Microbiology) and has recently been elected to represent the MHRA on the EDQM Group 1 Microbiology expert group. Historically has supported initiatives such as RDPAC on harmonization projects in China.
She has collected a wealth experience during her time in the Pharmaceutical Industry, leading contamination control strategies for drug development projects, supporting internal and external manufacturers to provide microbial quality assurance of drug products. In her previous role, she led the Global Microbiology Forum, connecting over 25 microbiology labs across the world, to drive standardization and quality improvement initiatives.
She designed and developed the technology strategy to modernize microbiology across AstraZeneca’s global network; this included projects from feasibility studies to multi-site deployments, including automation and technology uplift projects.
Miriam has also spent time as facility microbiologist in sterile manufacturing, on a multi-product, clinical trial production facility, providing oversight and ownership of environmental monitoring, water systems, sterilizers and aseptic simulation trials.
Miriam is an active committee member of the Pharmaceutical Microbiology Interest Group (Pharmig). She has been a peer reviewer for the PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology for a number of years and recently been elected onto the editorial advisory board. She represents Charles River Labs, Microbial Solutions on a range of cross industry collaboration networks.