Song Sun PhD Sanofi

Song Sun PhD Sanofi Unit Head of High-throughput Sequencing
Song Sun (PhD) joined Sanofi Pasteur in 2019 as a Scientist at the Molecular Biology Centre, Analytical Sciences and has been the Head of High-throughput Sequencing (HTS) Unit since 2022. He received his bachelor's degree in Biochemistry from Shandong University in 2004, master's degree in Molecular Biotechnology and Bioinformatics from Uppsala University in 2007 and PhD in Medical Microbiology from Uppsala University in 2012. As a PhD student with Dr. Dan Andersson, his research focused on dynamics and mechanisms of adaptive evolution in bacteria, and during his late graduate career he developed a HTS-based method to identify spontaneous genomic rearrangements in bacterial populations. In 2013, he received a prestigious research grant from Swedish Research Council for International Postdoc. To continue pursuing his research interest in experimental and computational genomics, he joined Dr. Frederick Roth’s research group at University of Toronto as a postdoctoral fellow. His postdoctoral research contributions focused on functional analysis of disease-associated gene variants using HTS, and whole genome sequencing, amplicon-sequencing and barcode-sequencing applications by HTS.