ushma mehta MS MilliporeSigma

ushma mehta MS

ushma mehta MS MilliporeSigma Senior Regulatory Expert

Ushma Mehta serves as a Senior Regulatory SME at MilliporeSigma, focused on continuous manufacturing and novel modalities.Ushma has been a key member and contributor to the N-mAb; A case study to support development and adoption of integrated continuous bioprocesses for monoclonal antibodies. In addition, Ushma serves as a member of the Regulatory Governance Team at NIIMBL, member of the Gathering ATMP Health Authority Feedback Workstream at BioPhorum. With around two decades of experience in life science industry,Ushma has two patents and published peer-reviewed papers on virus removal strategies in both batch process and continuous intensified processing. Ushma has BS/MS in Microbiology, Analytical and Medicinal Chemistry (Mumbai, India) and Graduate certificate in Biopharmaceutical International Regulatory Affairs from Northeastern University.