Veronika Jekerle, PhD European Medicines Agency

Veronika Jekerle, PhD European Medicines Agency
Veronika Jekerle obtained a pharmacy degree from Marburg University, Germany and a PhD in Molecular Pharmacology, drug discovery from the University of Bonn, Germany in 2006, with a two year collaboration period spent at the University of Toronto, Canada.
Subsequently, she joined the European Medicines Agency in London, first in the post-authorisation pharmacovigilance sector and since May 2007, in the Pre-authorisation unit, Quality of Medicines Sector.
She has been a Product Team Leader of numerous biological medicinal products including vaccines, ATMPs and biosimilar applications, and more recently a Quality Specialist within the specialist scientific disciplines department.
Veronika has also coordinated the development and revision of a number of important guidelines in the area of Advanced Therapies and Biosimilars. From 2009 to 2012, she has been in charge of the cell products working party and since 2014, she is the scientific secretary to the Biologics Working party.