2022 PDA/FDA Joint Regulatory Conference
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Program Highlights
We're pleased to announce that Shankar Vedantam, host of The Hidden Brain podcast, will be presenting "The Halo Effect: A Discussion" during the closing plenary!
Listen to the Halo Effect Podcast Episode
Shankar Vedantam
The Hidden Brain
Conference Elements | In-Person Attendance | Virtual Attendance |
Plenary Sessions | Yes | Yes |
Concurrent Sessions | Yes | Yes |
Breakfast Sessions | Yes | Select sessions with audio only |
Ability to Submit Questions for Q&A | Yes | No |
Interest Group Discussions with FDA Participation | Yes | No |
Lunch with the Regulators | Yes | No |
Exhibit Hall | Yes | No |
Monday Evening Networking Reception | Yes | No |
In-Person Networking with Industry and Regulatory Participants, Presenters, and Panelists | Yes | No |
Discover What's Happening Each Day
07:00 – 19:30 | Registration Open
Beat the Monday morning crowd by picking up your badge on Sunday, 11 September from 14:00 – 19:00!
07:00 – 08:30 | Continental Breakfast
08:00 – 10:00 | P1: Looking to the Future Dr. Peter Marks, FDA’s Director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, will kick-off the 31st PDA/FDA Joint Regulatory Conference with a presentation on the synergies between science, compliance, quality, and facility capabilities. The second presenter is Susan Hynes, the Senior Vice President of Global Supply Chain Quality at GSK. The presenters will emphasize the bright future ahead of us afforded by adopting and committing to good practices in product development, quality systems, and manufacturing performance throughout the lifecycle. |
08:00 | Welcome and Opening Remarks from PDA Leadership and Conference Co-Chairs 08:30 | Emerging from Covid: An FDA Perspective 08:55 | Emerging from Covid: An Industry Perspective |
10:00 – 10:45 | Refreshment Break in Exhibit Area
10:45 – 12:15 | P2: What Does Sustainable Compliance Look Like? This session will address why maintaining compliance with FDA requirements is so important and in the best interests of both manufacturers and patients. Presentations will provide insights into key attributes in organizations that maintain sustainable compliance, including how knowledge-driven systems and a quality assurance foundation lead to durable solutions to complex problems. The patient and business benefits of a persistent focus on a preventive (the “P” in CAPA) mindset throughout operations will be explored. The presenters will ultimately describe how this systemic approach to compliance creates the lifecycle vigilance and adaptability that provides the foundation for consistent quality and supply. |
10:45 | Sustainable Compliance 11:10 | Juan Andres, Chief Technical Operations and Quality Officer, Moderna, Inc. 11:35 | Q&A with Additional PanelistFrancis RW Godwin, MBA, Office Director, OC, CDER, U.S. FDA |
12:30 – 13:30 | Concurrent Interest Group (IG) Sessions
Grab a boxed lunch and bring your comments, questions, and ideas to these interactive IG discussions. Participants will vote on their top discussion topic and then a timed, lively discussion will ensue between the participants, IG leaders, and FDA co-facilitators. When the timer goes off, the group will move on to the next hot discussion topics. IGs are your opportunity to make your voice heard!
IG1: Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing
IG2: Lyophilization
IG3: Quality Risk Management
IG4: Technology Transfer
13:45 – 15:15 | Concurrent Sessions
A1: How Effective Is Your GMP Training? Training programs in industry vary in their design but all are intended to meet the CGMP requirement to ensure employees are qualified for their job function. The routine ongoing training program is also often accompanied by ad hoc retraining when a failure is attributed to them. Yet truly effective CAPA should normally include mistake-proofing and not solely stop with retraining an operator. Rethinking training may include adding competencies such as investigations, CAPA, root cause analysis, and design thinking to ensure a set of specialized personnel are able to create resilient solutions by improving systems and design, whenever needed, to prevent recurrence of problems. In this session, we will examine the key features of an effective GMP training program that builds the foundation for GMP compliance and improving training programs and strategies to better support robust quality assurance and state of control. |
13:45 | Human Error = Equipment Failure 14:10 | After You Rule Out Human Error... |
B1: Speed vs. Quality: Advantages and Pitfalls of Just-In-Time Manufacturing How often have you found yourself in a fire fighting situation with a project, a lot/batch, a customer audit or inspection where you are doing a significant clean up after the fact with a situation that could have been avoided if there had been a greater willingness to slow down, design, and plan properly before you started? As the intensity within our industry and focus on speed-to-market for new therapies continues to increase, the natural inclination is to just try to go faster when, in reality, we need to “go slow to go fast.” In this session, presenters will leverage case studies from industry to demonstrate the value of taking this type of approach versus one focused on speed and share examples from the regulator’s perspective on how robust planning helps ensure success. |
13:45 | Haste Makes Waste: Lessons Learned for How to Avoid a Crisis 14:10 | Speed vs. Quality: An FDA Perspective |
C1: Recently Published Guidances on CGMP and Quality New policy, guidance, procedures, oh my! FDA has published many new documents over the past year. In this all-FDA presenter session, participants will hear a high-level overview about new quality guidance. Presentations will also include a case-related dive into the draft Guidance for Industry on Inspection of Injectable Products for Visible Particulates (Dec 2021), to be followed by a multi-center panel Q&A. |
13:45 | What's New in Pharmaceutical Quality (v.2022) 14:10 | The Need for the FDA Guidance on Inspection of Injectables for Visible Particulates CDR John W. Diehl, MS, Director, Chief, Medical Products and Tobacco Policy Branch, ORA, U.S. FDA J. Kevin Rice, PhD, CVM Facilities Assessment Program, CVM, U.S. FDA Anita F. Richardson, MAS, Associate Director for Policy, OCBQ, CBER, U.S. FDA |
15:15 – 16:00 | Refreshment Break in Exhibit Area
15:25 – 15:55 | Press Conference (Invite Only)
16:00 – 17:30 | Concurrent Sessions
A2: Human Error: Effectively Resolving the Most Common Cause of Quality Failures Human error is the most common reason for manufacturing quality failures, but we often stop at addressing this symptom rather than addressing the actual root causes. In this session, practical presentations will detail why training alone is not the answer to human error reduction. Real-life examples will address the roles of risk analysis, process performance monitoring, CAPA, digital tools and continual improvement in minimizing human error and its impact. |
16:00 | Training Won't Fix This 16:25 | Human Error in GMP: A Regulator's Perspective Sophia Finckbone, Deviations & CAPA Global Process Owner, GSK Leah M. Randall, Deviation Manager, AstraZeneca |
B2: The Digital Automation Revolution: Implementation and Validation Appropriate use of data is critical throughout process development; it helps inform a firm's lifecycle problem recognition, control strategy improvements, risk evaluations, and CAPAs. In this session, participants will hear how the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has been applied within the biopharm process validation stages. The validity and efficiency of the analytical methods employed during the continued process validation (CPV) require extensive knowledge of the process. The challenge for new processes exists as there is limited knowledge available. This will include a case study demonstrating the suitability of methods based on machine learning/artificial intelligence (ML/AI) for the CPV applied across a 5L bioprocess monitoring program and demonstration of cell physiological control. The case study will also include examples and considerations for managing AI using quality systems to ensure the integrity of the data is properly controlled. The second presentation will highlight the aspects of data controls within PDA Technical Report No. 84 (TR 84) Integrating Data Integrity Requirements into Manufacturing & Packaging Operations, including the importance of data criticality. It will also provide recent data from observations related to data integrity/management from recent inspections. |
16:00 | Evolution of Biopharma Processes Rely upon Robust Data Quality: Case Study on Usage of AI in Continued CPV 16:25 | Agency’s View on Data Criticality and Control Mechanisms to Support Data Integrity Program, Including Recent Data Integrity Observations |
C2: Building Quality into Complex Drug Products |
16:00 | Continuous Manufacturing of Liposomes and Lipid Nanoparticles: Control Strategy on the Product Quality 16:25 | Drug Product Development Technical Review and Stage Processes and the PAI Connection Arwa El Hagrasy, PhD, Associate Director, Regulatory Affairs (CMC), Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Peter Wojciechowski, PhD, Knowledge Management, Technical Development, Moderna, Inc. |
17:45 – 18:45 | Concurrent Interest Group (IG) Sessions
Bring your comments, questions, and ideas to these interactive IG discussions. Participants will vote on their top discussion topic and then a timed, lively discussion will ensue between the participants, IG leaders, and FDA co-facilitators. When the timer goes off, the group will move on to the next hot discussion topics. IGs are your opportunity to make your voice heard!
IG5: Data Integrity
IG6: Packaging Science
IG7: Process Validation
IG8: Regulatory Affairs & Supply Chain Management
19:00 – 22:00 | Grand Opening Reception
07:00 – 18:00 | Registration Open
07:00 – 08:30 | Continental Breakfast
07:15 – 08:15 | Concurrent Breakfast Sessions
Breakfast 1: Digital Twins |
07:15 | Impact and Potential of Digital Twins in The Development and Launch of Medicines and Vaccines 07:40 | Q&A |
Breakfast 2: GMP at a Distance: The Present and The Future of Remote Regulatory Assessments |
07:15 | International PIC/S Regulatory Perspective on Distant Assessments 07:40 | Q&A with Additional Panelists |
Breakfast 3: Using Audit Observations to Predict Problems |
07:15 | Panel Discussion |
Breakfast 4: Got 483? |
07:15 | The FDA-483: History, Law, and Policy Perspectives |
08:30 – 10:15 | Plenary 3: Center Office Updates |
08:30 | CBER Updates 08:45 | CDER Updates 09:00 | CVM Updates 09:15 | ORA Updates |
10:15 – 11:00 | Refreshment Break in Exhibit Area
11:00 – 12:45 | Plenary 4: Compliance Office Updates |
11:00 | CBER Compliance Updates 11:15 | CDER Compliance Updates 11:30 | CVM Compliance Updates 11:45 | ORA Compliance and Inspectional Activity Updates |
12:45 – 14:15 | Portfolio Steering Committee Meeting (Invite Only)
13:00 – 14:00 | Concurrent Interest Group (IG) Sessions
Grab a boxed lunch and bring your comments, questions, and ideas to these interactive IG discussions. Participants will vote on their top discussion topic and then a timed, lively discussion will ensue between the participants, IG leaders, and FDA co-facilitators. When the timer goes off, the group will move on to the next hot discussion topics. IGs are your opportunity to make your voice heard!
IG9: Cell & Gene Therapy
IG10: Combination Products & Prefilled Syringes
IG11: Microbiology/Environmental Monitoring
IG12: Vaccines
14:15 – 15:45 | Concurrent Sessions
A3: Warning Letters and Consent Decree: How to Avoid Them by Staying in Compliance Are you struggling with an uptick of quality problems and regulatory scrutiny; challenges that can lead to costly regulatory consequences such as a warning letter or worse yet a consent decree? As companies’ product portfolios have become more complex and supply chains more global, regulators have heightened concerns about patient safety, product quality, and drug shortages. This session will discuss insights into preventing the conditions that result in regulatory actions, and why this is far better than reactive and costly remediation. We will leverage a case study from industry to demonstrate a proactive approach to managing quality and compliance risks. An experienced quality executive will share their knowledge, experience, and lessons learned in the remediation of several consent decrees and warning letters. Both topics will demonstrate how putting quality first helps senior leadership transform the quality culture to establish and sustain quality and CGMP compliance for the long haul. |
14:15 | Consent Decree Remediation Success, A Sustainable Quality System 14:40 | Compliance Premediation Peter E. Baker, MS, President, Live Oak Quality Assurance Carmelo Rosa, PsyD, Division Director, Office of Manufacturing and Product Quality, CDER, U.S. FDA |
B3: Innovative Manufacturing: Pathways to Implementation for Biologics and Biotech |
14:15 | The CBER Advanced Technologies Team (CATT): Promoting the Adoption of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies 14:40 | Accelerating Manufacturing Innovation: Shared Understanding and Going First Together Lily Y. Koo, PhD, Biomedical Engineer, CBER, U.S. FDA |
C3: Contamination Control Strategy: It’s Just Good Business |
14:15 | Contamination Control Strategy: Case Study on Microbiological Application 14:40 | Innovative Technologies to Support Contamination Control Strategies 15:05 | Q&A with Additional Panelists |
15:45 – 16:30 | Refreshment Break and Passport Drawing in Exhibit Area
16:30 – 18:00 | Concurrent Sessions
A4: Pre-Approval Inspections: Facility Deviations, Findings, and FDA 483 Responses |
16:30 | Pre-License and Pre-Approval Inspections for Biologics Madushini N. Dharmasena, Senior Pharmaceutical Quality Assessor, OPQ, CDER, U.S. FDA 16:55 | Case Study in Resolving Quality Issues: A Small US Drug Manufacturing Company’s Journey from Complete Response to FDA Approval and Beyond 17:20 | Q&A with Additional Panelists |
B4: How ICH Enables Modernization and Innovation International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) has a key role in promoting regulatory convergence of quality standards. Rapid advancements in science and technology, expanding global markets, and the onset of the pandemic underscored the need for convergence working in sync with continuous improvement and innovation, mitigating supply chain vulnerabilities, and enabling patient access to breakthrough therapies. This session will discuss how ICH helps enable modernization and innovation viewed through the lens of the quality discussion group (QDG). QDG reinforced holistic views of quality risk management and science accommodating advanced technologies and approaches such as automation, isolation, digital technology, AI, modeling, knowledge management through data clouds and structured data formats, portable manufacturing, etc., across ICH quality guidelines and therapeutic modalities. The session will also discuss current perspectives on ICH Q12 implementation, with a goal of facilitating utilization and realizing the benefits of enhanced science, controls, and quality systems in streamlining post approval change implementation. |
16:30 | ICH QDG 2022: Global Harmonization via Improved ICH Implementation 16:55 | FDA Perspective on ICHQ12 Implementation Frank Montgomery, PhD, Vice President CMC RA, AstraZeneca Kevin J. O’Donnell, PhD, Market Compliance Manager, Health Products Regulatory Authority |
C4: Managing External Suppliers: Complexities and Knowledge Management |
16:30 | Your Suppliers' Risk Is Your Risk: Things to Consider While Developing a Robust Supplier Management Program 16:55 | Data Driven Supplier Knowledge: Management and Governance Brooke K. Higgins, MS, Senior Policy Advisor, OC, CDER, U.S. FDA |
07:00 – 15:00 | Registration Open
07:00 – 08:30 | Continental Breakfast
07:15 – 08:15 | Concurrent Breakfast Sessions
Breakfast 5: Reinventing the Efficiency and Reliability of the Microbiology Lab There are many opportunities for the microbiology laboratory to transform its often 20th century manual infrastructure by leveraging automation and digitization. The efficiencies and quality advantages of a 21st century laboratory are substantial, including better method reliability, preventing common manual errors, digital capture of data instead of transcription, more efficient batch release, and built-in data integrity security. The presenter will discuss the need to improve microbiology laboratory reliability to assure quality, CGMP compliance, and availability of safe and effective drugs for patients. |
07:15 | The Microbiology Lab of the 21st Century: Efficiency and Reliability through Automation and Digitization 07:40 | Q&A with Additional Panelist |
Breakfast 6: FDA’s Next Steps in Advancing Quality Metrics and Maturity |
07:15 | Advancing Regulatory Oversight: An Overview of Initiatives from the Office of Quality Surveillance 07:40 | Q&A with Additional Panelists |
Breakfast 7: Achieving Zero Defects The reduction of visible particles in injectable products is an important element in the consistent delivery of high-quality parenteral products. An important part of this effort is the control of particles that may emanate from the primary packaging materials. The scope of this PDA working group's activities will be discussed, including test and inspection methods, acceptance criterion considerations, and training opportunities. |
07:15 | PDA "Achieving Zero Defects for Visible Particles in Injectables" Working Group Update 07:40 | Q&A with Additional Panelist |
Breakfast 8: Water Systems |
07:15 | Water System Design and Maintenance Case Study 07:40 | Q&A with Additional Panelist |
08:30 – 10:00 | P5: Current GMP Compliance Trends and Topics |
08:30 | CDER CGMP Update 08:55 | CBER Compliance Update 09:20 | Q&A with Additional Panelists |
10:00 – 10:45 | Refreshment Break
10:45 – 12:15 | Concurrent Sessions
A5: Strong Investigations and CAPA Successful handling of manufacturing and quality problems requires a robust quality system that executes timely actions. Deviations, defects, complaints, and out of specification results are among the areas that require careful investigation to prevent marketed product recalls and supply shortfalls. Participants will learn about root cause analyses, deficiencies noted in audits, developing an effective Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA) plan, and how to properly evaluate such actions to incorporate adaptations that safeguard future batch production cycles of the product. This session will also discuss “What, Why, and How,” in order to scope out and close an investigation. Learn how to get all the information you need to correct a quality event and remain compliant. |
10:45 | Investigations Related to Media Fills and Sterility Testing 11:10 | A Case Study: Closed Loop Investigation System Ensures Identification and Remediation of True Root Cause Renée S. Blosser, Microbiologist, CVM, U.S. FDA (INVITED) Rebecca Parrilla, MS, Compliance Officer/CSO, OMQ, OC, CDER, U.S. FDA |
B5: Understanding the Capability of Your Facility to Improve Quality Output |
10:45 | Leveraging Current Technology and Quality Signals to Unlock Bottlenecks in Production while Enhancing Quality Output 11:10 | Proactive Assessment of Equipment Design to Enable Quality Improvements and Reliable Drug Supply Carmelo Rosa, PsyD, Division Director, Office of Manufacturing and Product Quality, CDER, U.S. FDA |
C5: Lifecycle Management of Risks: From Original Application Approval to Post-Approval |
10:45 | Role of KASA and Other Related Initiatives (PQ/CMC) to Manage Application Assessments and Post-Approval Lifecycle Management 11:10 | Industry Perspective on CMC Data Structuring to Manage Knowledge During Product Lifecycle 11:35 | Q&A |
12:30 – 13:30 | Lunch with the Regulators Grab your boxed lunch and bring questions for U.S. FDA investigators, reviewers, and compliance officers to this Q&A session that will allow for direct input and will provide you with insights regarding inspection trends and center initiatives. PANELISTS |
13:45 – 14:45 | P6: Moving Forward This thought-provoking closing session will discuss how collaboration, innovation, and applying lessons learned to advance industrial quality management are essential to our future success. |
13:45 | Moving Forward: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 14:10 | The Halo Effect: A Discussion 14:45 | Q&A 15:05 | Closing Remarks from Conference Co-Chairs |
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PLEASE READ PDA is not affiliated or contracted with any outside hotel contracting company. If someone other than PDA or the PDA chosen hotel contacts you suggesting that they represent any PDA event, they do not. It is PDA's recommendation that you book your hotel directly through the official PDA chosen hotel that is listed on our web site.

The Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown hotel is now sold out! While there are no other Conference room blocks, we recommend checking the following hotels for rooms as they are the closest walkable hotels with availability.
- Conrad Washington, DC (2 min. walk to Renaissance)
- Motto by Hilton Washington DC City Center (6 min. walk to Renaissance)
- Eaton DC (7 min. walk to Renaissance)
- Washington Plaza (12 min. walk to Renaissance)
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GROUP REGISTRATION DISCOUNT: Register 3 people from the same organization as a group (at the same time) for the event and receive the 4th registration free. Other discounts cannot be applied.
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: PDA will send you a confirmation letter within one week of payment being received. You must have this confirmation letter to be considered enrolled in a PDA event. If you have submitted a purchase order or requested an invoice, please be advised that a credit card guarantee is needed. PDA reserves the right to modify the material or speakers/trainers without notice or to cancel an event. If an event is cancelled, registrants will be notified by PDA immediately and will receive a credit (registration fee paid). PDA will not be responsible for any costs incurred by registrants due to cancellation. Please note that the attendee list is shared with attendees, trainers, and exhibitors and may be used to follow up on specific areas of interest after the event. Video, photo, and audio recordings are prohibited at all PDA events.
CANCELLATION: If a cancellation request is received 30 days before the event, a credit (registration fee paid minus a 200.00 USD/EUR processing fee) will be given. No credits will be given for cancellation requests received less than 30 days before the event. Cancellation requests must be emailed to registration@pda.org.
Sponsor information will be available soon
We're currently finalizing our list of sponsors and will share the details shortly.
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