PDA Letter Article

2023 PDA Honor Awards: VanTrieste, Korczynski and Smith Awards

by PDA

This installment of the PDA Letter's series featuring the winners of the 2023 Honor Awards, which were presented during the Honor Awards Ceremony at the 2024 PDA Annual Meeting in Long Beach, California. PDA thanks all of the recipients for their contributions to the Association.

Featured below are the winners of the Martin VanTrieste Pharmaceutical Science, Michael S. Korcynski and Edward Smith Packaging Science awards.

Martin VanTrieste Pharmaceutical Science Award

This award recognizes a volunteer’s outstanding contributions that have advanced the pharmaceutical sciences. It is presented in honor of past Board Member and long-time contributor Martin VanTrieste.

Andrew Chang, PhD

Michael S. Korczynski Award

This Award is presented to recognize contributions to PDA’s international activities. It is named for Michael S. Korczynski in recognition of the contributions he made toward the development of PDA’s international activities.

Leonidas Orjuela

Izumi Saitoh, PhD

Edward Smith Packaging Science Award

This award was created to recognize outstanding contributions to Pharmaceutical Packaging Science. It is presented in honor of Edward Smith and his long-term contributions to pharmaceutical packaging science.

Maggie (Reiff) Bandel, MBA