Get Published And Noticed!

Why would anyone want to publish an article in PDA Letter or their research in PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (JPST)? After all, aren’t these restricted access publications that no one but PDA members can read?
These are great questions, and ones we can do a better job answering. In fact, anyone can read both PDA Letter and JPST.
Let’s start with PDA Letter. Ever since we began posting articles online over a decade ago at, we have included a selection of “open access” articles. Since the pandemic began, all articles have been open access, incidentally, but not before long, we will return to the blend of member-only and open-access content. Nevertheless, nonmembers always have the option of purchasing articles of interest or joining PDA if they want full access.
PDA Letter articles are highly visible. Our online readership is strong and growing stronger. From January through June, the Letter Portal received over 60,000 pageviews, a 6% increase over the same period in 2019 and a 36% increase over the same period in 2018. For all of 2019, there were 110,000 pageviews for the Letter Portal.
We recently updated both the About PDA Letter and Submit pages to better assist readers. We are always seeking articles in the following PDA-critical topic areas:
- Aseptic Processing & Sterilization
- Biopharmaceuticals & Biotechnology
- Manufacturing Science
- Quality & Regulatory
- Supply Chain
PDA’s fantastic community of sponsors and technology enablers can publish “Advertorials,” which are sponsored articles for a fee. Limited opportunities for sponsored content are available, so be sure to contact Dave Hall, for details.
How about JPST? Well, PDA members might not realize that tens-of-thousands of readers access JPST every year through PDA membership, institutional subscriptions, and article sales. Every PDA member has access to the current volume and immediate past volume of the JPST. Institutional subscriptions provide access to all individuals using registered IP addresses. And anyone can purchase an article! In 2020, we are averaging 120 article sales per month.
All of this contributes to healthy readership of JPST. Articles published in the last six JPST issues for which metrics are available (Jul-Aug 2019-May-June 2020) have been accessed, on average, 2,500 times. These numbers only grow over time, as the JPST archive extends all the way back to 1980.
Since 2019, PDA has worked diligently to provide better author instructions for JPST and improve the submission process: Author Resources/Instructions and Submit Journal.
So, as you can see, publishing with PDA’s two member-benefit publications will help you achieve valuable visibility for your articles and scientific manuscripts.
My question to you is, what are you waiting for? Turn to PDA to get published and noticed!