Join Us at the 2023 Visual Inspection Forum

On behalf of the Scientific Program Planning Committee and PDA, we are looking forward to welcoming you to the 2023 PDA Visual Inspection Forum in Baltimore, MD, on April 17-18, 2023! We have been working hard on this upcoming conference to keep you current with advances in inspection technology and the ever-changing regulatory landscape, and we are excited to be back to a live, in-person meeting format.
Visual inspection and the detection of particles remains at the center of many discussions regarding product manufacturing control, quality assurance and regulatory compliance. However, we continue to see product recalls related to visual defects. Moreover, inspection methods and technology continue to advance, and the application of artificial intelligence and deep learning to automated inspection have been an exciting area of recent deployment. Among other topics featured at this year’s forum, we will cover the results from the new PDA benchmarking survey on visual inspection practices.
Since 2000, we have organized the Visual Inspection Forum to discuss new technical and regulatory developments in this field. We are pleased to have experts to discuss new developments in the field of visual inspection. Topics include the regulatory and compendial requirements for visual inspection, like those found in the revised EU GMP Annex 1: Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products, USP <1790> and the new FDA Guidance. Additional topics include a basic understanding of the inspection process, particle characterization, special requirements for difficult to inspect products, CCIT methods, control strategies applied to visual inspection, practical aspects of manual and automated inspection methods, and case studies from visual inspection end users. The full conference program is available here.
The PDA Visual Inspection Forum program is intended to initiate and support discussion and professional exchange through a diversity of scientific presentations, posters and networking events.
We look forward to seeing you in Baltimore!