Missouri Valley Chapter Donates to Local Hospitals

All the members of the PDA Missouri Valley Chapter were very excited for the upcoming meetings, speakers, and networking events that 2020 had to offer! Unfortunately, 2020 had different plans.
Due to the social distancing circumstances we have all encountered as a result from COVID-19, we were unable to get together to make any of this happen. With the world suddenly changing day by day before our eyes, the Missouri Valley board members knew we wanted to help in any way we could.
After some researching, it was decided we wanted to offer a lending hand to hospital organizations in different cities throughout our chapter. With the selection of Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, MO, and the Veterans Affairs Health Care System in St. Louis, MO, our chapter donated $2,500 to each organization.
It was important our donation touched the lives of all different age groups and walks of life. These donations helped these organizations fund additional meals, hygiene products, and personal protective equipment needed due to the sudden increase of patients from COVID-19.
While the Missouri Valley Chapter is always looking for ways to help our community through this pandemic, we were very happy we could start here.