New Trends Require Investment from Vaccine Makers

Due to the wide variety of possible vaccine categories, complexity of products and processes, and aggressive timelines for vaccine development and lifecycle management, there needs to be greater investment in technical capabilities by manufacturers.
In this context, it is critical that manufacturers, regulators and suppliers work together to understand common challenges and opportunities. Companies must understand new CMC trends, including greater use of platform technologies, emphasis on prior knowledge, development of novel therapeutic and cancer vaccines and accelerated development.
The 2018 PDA Europe Vaccines conference will address these and other new trends in vaccine development and lifecycle management. Dedicated sessions will explore novel developments, product understanding and analytics, manufacturing and technical innovation.
In addition, the conference will provide an overview of the applicability of quality-by-design in various aspects, from product, analytics and process standpoints, and considerations during lifecycle management. Newer trends in the regulatory field will also be discussed, such as the impact of post-approval changes on vaccines supply.
Prevention and control of infectious diseases requires continued efforts aimed at effective development, manufacturing and supply of vaccines. The realization of this important objective requires passion, resilience and broad technical competence. PDA’s vaccines conferences and workshops have proven to be a key resource in this journey.
Learn more and register to attend the 2018 PDA Europe Vaccines conference.