PDA Letter Article

PDA and PDA Letter Plow Ahead

by Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

It is the start of summer and many of us remain at home to work. Those who are reporting to their offices or facilities are following strict social distancing and preventative measures.

The PDA Letter recognizes that many readers continue to work hard at ensuring there is a stable supply of sterile drugs and supporting efforts to develop new vaccines and treatments for COVID-19. While this pandemic is affecting our community, new Letter content will be open access to both members and nonmembers. We continue to publish articles of interest to the industry weekly on a variety of topics, from environmental monitoring to new production technologies to risk management strategies and more.

The second episode of GMP Tales, the PDA Letter podcast will also be released shortly; you can listen to Episode one below.

I also encourage readers to review the slate of upcoming virtual offerings from PDA. Both the U.S. and European Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products conferences are now online. The U.S. meeting is now a series of virtual webinars throughout the month. The PDA Europe’s Quality and Regulations conference, originally planned for Dublin, and the 2020 PDA Annual Meeting are both online-only, as well.

PDA Education now offers a number of online courses, both on demand and live, many of them based off our technical reports. Speaking of which, PDA continues to publish technical reports, surveys, and other publications thanks to our dedicated staff and volunteers who are not slowing down even in the midst of this pandemic.

In April, PDA launched its first ANSI standard, PDA Standard 001-2020: Enhanced Purchasing Controls to Support the Bio-Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices and Combination Products Industries. More standards are in the pipeline as well.

Even though I am not able to see my readers in person, I want to extend a virtual thanks and urge readers to continue checking out the PDA Letter website and the main PDA site for the latest resources to help the industry as it moves ahead.