PDA Technical Report No. 12, (TR 12) Siliconization of Parenteral Drug Packaging Components (single user digital version)

Jul 1988
PDA Item Number

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This Technical Report was prepared by Lubrication of Packaging Components Task Force.

The purpose for this publication is to present information. This document reviews the common lubricants, the reasons for their use, methods of application and analytical measurement.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

I. Scope
II. Introduction
III. Reasons for Lubrication
IV. Compendial References
V. Toxicity of Polydimethylsiloxane Fluids
VI. Types of Silicone Lubricants
VII. Methods of Application of Silicones
VIII. Measuring Application Consistency
IX. Particulate Matter
X. Nonsilicone Lubrication
XI. Survey Results
XII. Glossary
XIII. References