Technical Report No. 45 (TR 45): Filtration of Liquids Using Cellulose-Based Depth Filters

Jun 2008
PDA Item Number

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This Technical Report was prepared by members of the PDA Filtration of Liquids Using Cellulose-Based Depth Filters Task Force.

This technical report was written to provide guidelines for the selection, validation and use of cellulose-based depth filters in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical applications. The report also provides information on physical and performance characteristics of cellulose-based depth filter products in sheet, lenticular cartridge (modules) and capsule configurations to assist the filter user in defining a consistent, standardized approach for choosing, implementing and using depth filters in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes.

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2008. Volume 62, Issue No. S-2.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

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  1. Introduction
  2. Glossary of terms
  3. How Depth Filters Work
  4. Physical Characteristics
  5. Performance Characterization
  6. Cleaning, Sanitizing and Sterilizing Filter Installations
  7. Appendices
  8. References