Torbeck`s Statistical Cookbook for Scientists and Engineers

Oct 2017
PDA Item Number
Hardcover: 17344 | Digital: 18040
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In the Statistical Cookbook for Scientists and Engineers, you will find tried and true, practical statistical "recipes" that provide a book of specific and unique statistical modules useful for evaluation of industrial studies. These modules are designed for the busy industrial worker, who needs to apply statistical techniques with the assurance he or she is using the technique correctly.

These modules were developed based upon years of experience in the field and training at many facilities, including the U.S. FDA, and are intended to fill a niche that is not currently addressed by other statistical books. Each module uses the same format with modifications. Where helpful, a worked example is presented in a parallel format to the procedure.

Scientists and engineers engaged in healthcare as well as other industrial manufacturing will find this text an invaluable resource.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

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Statistical Thinking

  1. Data Collection and Reporting
  2. Sampling
  3. Designed Experiments
  4. Processes
  5. Graphics and Plots
  6. Descriptive Statistics
  7. Inferential Statistics
  8. Setting Specifications
  9. Glossary and References

About the Authors

About the Author

Lynn D. Torbeck, started Torbeck and Associates in 1988 providing training and consulting in applied statistics and experimental design for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical development, quality assurance and control. Specific effort was targeted to process and method validation under cGMPs. Publications include many journal articles, books and chapters. Specifically, Why Life Science Manufacturers Do What They Do in Development, Formulation, Production and Quality: A History; Trend and Out-of-Trend Analysis for Pharmaceutical Quality and Manufacturing Using Minitab®; Validation by Design and Square Root of (N) Sampling Plans as well as a chapter in Pharmaceutical Quality titled Using Statistics to Measure and Improve Quality.