Quality by Design - An Indispensable Approach to Accelerate Biopharmaceutical Product Development

Mar 2021
PDA Item Number
Hardcover: 13013 | Digital: 48005
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PDA's book, Quality by Design — An Indispensable Approach to Accelerate Biopharmaceutical Product Development, edited by industry experts Cristiana Campa, Vaccines Technical R&D, GSK, and M. Amin Khan , Vaccines R&D, GSK, is an important contribution to the ongoing dialogue for accelerating CMC product development bridging strategies for biotherapeutics and vaccines.

It illustrates how Quality by Design (QbD) can be a powerful enabler of acceleration, fostering deeper understanding of what is critical, what level of CMC risk is acceptable, and hence what elements of product development can be streamlined.

More than 60 authors have contributed to this influential text emphasizing the importance of QbD to product development and commercialization. Several case studies covering biotherapeutics and vaccines are shared by several major companies and well-recognized academic institutions. These case studies illustrate that QbD is a key strategic approach to decide what should be prioritized, enabling both fast product, process, and analytical development, ensuring product safety and efficacy; and phase-appropriate control strategy and comparability, focused on patient needs.

In addition, this book demonstrates how Prior Knowledge is useful to inform QbD-driven risk assessment and focus on non-redundant activities, fostering tailored innovation. Examples of how the use of modelling can be a powerful asset to ensure the streamlined execution of experimental activities (e.g., process, stability, and analytical space) are included.

All of these aspects are covered in the four comprehensive sections of the book, which are organized under the following topics:

  • Part I- Product Understanding
  • Part II- Process Understanding and Modeling
  • Part III- Analytical Strategy and Modeling
  • Part IV- Platform Knowledge

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

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Part 1: Introduction

Part II: Product Understanding

Section 1: Critical Quality Attributes and Ranges

Section 2: Formulation Development

Section 3: Stability Modeling

Section 4: Comparability

Part III: Process Understanding and Modeling

Section 5: Process Understanding and Modeling

Part IV: Analytical Strategy and Modeling

Section 6: Analytical Strategy and Modeling

Part V: Platform Knowledge

Section 7: Platform Knowledge

Part VI: Conclusions