Document Submission

PDA Whiteboard Submission

Document Submission Guidelines
  1. Document Length Documents should not exceed 10 pages in length. Please ensure that the content is concise and relevant to streamline the review process.
  2. File Format Only PDF format is accepted for document submissions. Please convert your documents to PDF format before uploading.
  3. File Size The maximum file size for each document is 2 MB. Please optimize your documents to meet this requirement.
  4. Naming Convention Use clear and descriptive file names for your documents. Avoid special characters or spaces in the file names to ensure compatibility and ease of reference.
  5. Multiple Submissions Each document should adhere to the specified guidelines and be uploaded individually.
  6. Review Process Submitted documents will undergo review by PDA. You will receive feedback or approval notification via email once the review process is complete.
  7. Consent to Publication By submitting your document for review, you agree to its potential publication. Do not submit documents that contain confidential or proprietary information unless authorized to do so.
  8. Contact Information Include your contact information in case there are any questions or clarifications needed regarding your submission.
  9. Compliance Ensure that your documents comply with all relevant regulations, policies, and standards applicable to your organization or industry.

Please enter a clear and descriptive title for your article. Avoid using special characters or symbols in the title. This will help ensure easy identification and organization of submissions.

A brief description or summary of the article's contents.

The full name of the author of the document. Use the legal name for accurate identification.

The name of the person submitting the document.

We will use this email to communicate important updates regarding your submission, such as review decisions. Ensure the accuracy of the email address to receive notifications promptly.

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The maximum file size for each document is 2 MB. Only PDF format is accepted for document submissions.