Andrew O'Connor ERA Sciences

Andrew O'Connor

Andrew O'Connor ERA Sciences

Andy O'Connor's interest's lie on the boundary between risk management and technology for the lifesciences.

With 16+ years of experience in the industry, Andy has been involved in Quality and IT governance programs, overseeing the implementation of new approaches in risk and data integrity for companies transitioning from clinical to commercial manufacturing.

Andy is now a Founding Director of ERA Sciences, and regularly hosts training sessions and workshops on behalf of clients. He is also a practiced software developer and has been involved in many enterprise application projects.

He has an honours degree in Science from University College Dublin. “A failure to to imagine what can go wrong may lead to catastrophe. Investigating pains and gains through risk enables stakeholders to make decisions under uncertainty and propel new projects forward” When not driving new product development, Andy can be seen in a red jacket volunteering with the Mountain Rescue Team, based in Wicklow. Check out EFLEX, our training platform covering risk and digitalization: Come say hi!