Anna Wilson 52North Health

Anna Wilson

Anna Wilson 52North Health

Dr Anna Wilson is Head of Operations at 52North Health, creators of Neutrocheck. Neutrocheck® is a transformative solution designed to improve the management of neutropenic sepsis (NS), the most emergency complication of cancer chemptherapy. Neutrocheck enables chemotherapy patients to be assessed for risk of NS from home for the first time. The solution is a small, portable finger-prick blood test and app that patients can use to rapidly measure two key markers (neutrophils and an infection-related marker). Combined with a telephone consultation, Neutrocheck enables safe home-triaging of NS. Anna joined the 52North team as first employee in 2020 when Neutrocheck was still a concept. As Head of Operations, Anna leads the Neutrocheck programme, QMS development and finance. Prior to 52North, Anna worked as an Innovation Consultant at Innovia Technology, working to develop breakthrough innovations with Front End Innovation teams at companies including J&J and Medtronic. And prior to that, Anna trained and qualified as a veterinary surgeon, providing a strong theoretical and practical understanding of biomedical sciences, clinical skills and medical technology.