Bernard Marasa PhD US-FDA
Bernard Marasa PhD US-FDA Pharmaceutical Scientist
Dr. Marasa is a Pharmaceutical Scientist within the Division of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Assessment-III in the Office of Process and Manufacturing Assessment in CDER/FDA. He is a subject matter expert in the evaluation of the quality of manufactured and compounded sterile drug products, and microbiological hazards posed by manufacturing facilities, processes, and equipment in supporting regulatory submissions. He was previously a Senior Research Associate at Catholic University of America-D.C and held a three-year post-doctoral fellowship at the National Institute of Health. He holds a Ph.D. In Medical Pathology from University of Maryland, Baltimore, an M.Sc. in Molecular Biology from Vrije Universiteit Brussels-Belgium, and a B. Sc (Biochemistry) from Jomo-Kenyatta University-Kenya. He has won several awards including 2023 CDER Incentive Award, 2015 NCTR Research Excellence Award and Bill & Melinda Gates Grand Challenge Exploration Award and has authored over 40 research publications.