Christine Cottrell NHS Wales

Christine Cottrell NHS Wales
Christine has been working in the NHS for the past 40 years and 20 years of which have been in the speciality of diabetes. She is a diabetes specialist nurse and the diabetes education nurse lead for Swansea Bay University Hospital in South Wales. She leads on the ThinkGlucose quality and improvement project within Swansea. She works pan health board with the aim of making improvements across primary, community and secondary care. She has worked in General Practice running nurse led diabetes/CVD clinics; community diabetes specialist nurse; a clinical lead/lecturer in Education for Health in Warwick; ThinkGlucose lead and Diabetes Nurse Educator.
Christine has led on many projects including a diabetes prevention programme within the workplace (Wales); diabetes telehealth international project; diabetes education and information resource aimed at improving diabetes care within the care sector; pocket medic education films; launched the ThinkGlucose project across Wales and co-produced the diabetes clinic @ home app and many others. She has been involved with National Guidelines including NICE public health guidance for the prevention of diabetes in high-risk groups; COVID-19 Response Group and now the JBDS group for admission prevention. She has also published for various journals and research papers.
She has won many awards including: the Nurse of the Year award (Wales) for education; NHS Wales Outstanding Contributor Award for Services in Diabetes (Quality in Care - QiC); QiC award for improving patient safety (pocket medic film); HSJ award runner up for the diabetes clinic @ home; shortlisted for the Nurse of the Year leadership award and she is a Diabetes UK Clinical Champion.