Darren Scully HPRA
Darren Scully HPRA
Darren joined the HPRA in 2012, having previously worked in academia, the pharmaceutical industry, and clinical pharmacy. Since then, Darren has held various senior roles within the HPRA, including managing the GDP Inspections and Controlled Drugs teams. He now supports the HPRA’s role in coordinating the management of medicine shortages and works to create an environment to reduce this likelihood.
Darren is also a member of the EMA’s SPOC Working Party, thematic working group co-chair and Steering Committee member of the EMA-HMA’s Taskforce on the Availability of Medicines, Project Board Member and Lead for one of the work packages in the CHESSMEN Joint Action relating to medicine shortages.
Darren holds degrees in Pharmacology and also Pharmacy, a Master’s in Clinical Pharmacy, a PhD in Pharmacology and Diplomas in Regulatory Management and Public Policy Analysis.