Erwan Bourlès, PhD GSK
Erwan Bourlès, PhD GSK
Dr. Erwan Bourlès studied Food Process Engineering and received his PhD from the University of Angers, France in 2009. Following his thesis, he worked for 2 years as research engineer on the scaling up of the freeze-drying process and stabilization of lactic acid bacteria in the dried state.
This work was done in partnership with the joint research unit of Microbiology and Food Process Engineering (INRA/AgroParisTech, France).
From 2011 to end 2015, he owned the position of Freeze drying scientist in the Technical Research and Development department at GSK Vaccines Rixensart, Belgium.
He was in charge of the development, scaling-up of freeze-drying cycles, process evaluation and transfer towards internal and external sites.
Since 2016, he is leading the Filling Drying and Device Drug product Platform in the Technical research and Development department, at GSK in Belgium.