Gert-Jan Van Diest AbbVie
Gert-Jan Van Diest AbbVie
Gert-Jan joined AbbVie in January 2014 as QA Program Manager within the global Supply Chain Compliance team focusing on Traceability and Serialization, Supply Chain Security, Supply Chain Visibility, and Medical Device Life-Cycle Management.
Gert-Jan is Program Lead for implementing the EU Safety Features (EU FMD program) and is member of the Efpia Supply Chain and Coding & Serialization working groups. Located at AbbVie Logistics in Zwolle, The Netherlands.
As per March 2009 Gert-Jan became member of the PDA PCCIG EU Branch Steering Committee and has co-authored the article Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Security Risk Assessment for Shipping Lanes (Pharmaceutical Outsourcing, Sept. 2017).
Prior to AbbVie, Gert-Jan joined Abbott in January 2007 supporting the global Cold Chain Management program. With 5 years of experience in food logistics and retail in previous roles, he became subject matter expert for Good Distribution Practices (GDP) compliance in the pharmaceutical industry.
Gert-Jan holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Economics and Logistics at the HES Amsterdam.