Michael Dalton Eli Lilly & Company
Michael Dalton Eli Lilly & Company
Mr. Dalton has been with Eli Lilly and Company for 23 years. As the Senior Laboratory Technician for Lilly's Quality Control Laboratories from 1992 - 1998, his responsibilities involved the physical and chemical analyses of many different Lilly products using a variety of analytical instrumentation. For the past 16 years, Mr. Dalton has been involved with many aspects of Lilly's anti-counterfeiting initiatives, primarily with Lilly's Global Authentication Laboratory. In his current role as the Advisor of Eli Lilly and Company's Global Product Protection Technical Team (GPPTT), he is responsible for: oversight of Eli Lilly's global authentication strategy and processes; technical point of contact for external agency requests; supervision of personnel who perform the physical and/or chemical analyses of samples suspected to involve counterfeiting, diversion, or tampering; independent examination of suspect samples; evaluation and approval of suspect sample results; integrated data analyses; and expert witness testimony.