Nicholas DeBello DeBello & Associates LLC
Nicholas DeBello DeBello & Associates LLC
Mr. DeBello was employed with Kimble Glass for over 30 years holding various positions in the field of Personnel, Industrial Engineering, Quality, Technical Service, Warehouse and Distribution. Prior to his retirement in May 2003, Mr. DeBello was the Director of Quality Management Systems for Gerresheimer-Kimble Glass where he held that position for over 12 years. In September 2003, Mr. DeBello became the Director of Quality Management Systems for Alcan Global Pharmaceutical Packaging, Inc. Wheaton Science Products which is now Wheaton. Prior to his retirement in December 2013 Mr. DeBello held the position of Vice President, Quality Management Systems. In this capacity he was responsible for Quality, Technical Services, Engineering Services and ISO. Today with over 40 years of experience with glass manufacturing, quality and packaging involving the Pharmaceutical, Diagnostics and Life Science Markets, Mr. DeBello is the now the Principal for DeBello & Associates. He is a PDA Member, Chairs the Glass Task Group and Co-Chairs the Glass Task Group for TR-43 Revision that includes Molded Bottles, Tubular Vials, Ampoules, Cartridges and Syringes. Mr. DeBello is also a Senior ASQ Member and Certified Quality Auditor with a B. A. Degree in Economics from St. Francis University.