Rebecca E. Dowd, MS U.S. FDA

Rebecca E. Dowd, MS U.S. FDA Program Division Director, OPQO3, ORA
Rebecca Dowd is a Program Division Director in the Office of Regulatory Affairs, OPQO Division III. Previously, Rebecca was the Director of the Investigations Branch in the same office, an Application Reviewer with CDER’s Office of Pharmaceutical Quality, and a Compliance Officer with CDER’s Office of Manufacturing Quality. With over 20 years of inspectional experience with the FDA, including 3 years as a District Pre-Approval Manager and 2 years as a Drug Specialist, Rebecca attained Level II and Level III certification as a drug investigator, and became a member of FDA’s Pharmaceutical Inspectorate. She holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in Biology, and has experience lecturing in both academic and agency forums.