Rebecca Walden MSc, FIBMS, FAMLS Irish Blood Transfusion Service
Rebecca Walden MSc, FIBMS, FAMLS Irish Blood Transfusion Service Senior Quality Systems Specialist
Rebecca Walden has primary degrees in Biomedical Sciences specialising in Microbiology and has worked previously in hospitals in Diagnostic / Cinical Microbiology and in the Irish Blood Transfsion Service (IBTS) as Senior Microbiologist. Since 2014 she has been working as part of the Quality Assurance team in the IBTS in a variety of roles including Senior Document controller , QA Co-Ordinator / Trainer and QA specialist before moving to Quality Systems.
Rebecca is currently the Senior Quality Systems Specialist and Electronic Quality Management System (EQMS) Administrator. Her special interests are in quality systems training, scientific / technical and procedure writing, regulatory affairs, quality culture, project management and developing quality systems. Currently her focus is as deputy project manager on the project to deliver a full EQMS for the IBTS starting at the research phase.