Riviane Matos Gonçalves, MSc Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency

Riviane Matos Gonçalves, MSc

Riviane Matos Gonçalves, MSc Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency

Riviane Matos Gonçalves graduated in Pharmacy with an emphasis on Food Biochemistry from the University of Minas Gerais and subsequently obtained a Master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Brasília.

She is a Health Regulation Specialist and has worked at the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) since 2005.

She joined The Brazilian Pharmacopoeia in 2014. Since then, she has worked in the department of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia Coordination in Anvisa.

Riviane is currently a member of The Brazilian Nonproprietary Name Expert Committee of Brazilian Pharmacopoeia (CTT DCB) and offers executive support to The Pharmacognosy1 and The Herbal Medicines2 Expert Committees.

1 Expert Committee responsible for chapters and monographs on Herbal Medicines in The Brazilian Pharmacopoeia

2 Expert Committee responsible for the National Formulary on Herbal Medicines and The National Memento on Herbal Medicines