Scott Jeffers, PhD uniQure
Scott Jeffers, PhD uniQure
Scott received his PhD in Biology and Virology from Purdue University where he built lentiviral and retroviral gene therapy vectors pseduotyped with various viral glycoproteins, most notably Ebola virus gp. Following this, he did a stint as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Colorado where he discovered a novel receptor for the SARS-CoV 1 coronavirus. He then moved to Paris, France, where he drank wine, ate cheese and bread, and worked from time to time in the lab at the Pasteur Institute as a post-doctoral fellow and research scientist where he studied the structure of viral glycoproteins. He entered industry working for Brammer bio and has held increasing responsibility positions within Brammer, at Selecta Bio, and most recently at uniQure where he is the Director of Process Development.