Silke Conrad, PhD Novartis Pharma AG
Silke Conrad, PhD Novartis Pharma AG
Silke Conrad is currently Quality Expert for Medical Device Development at Novartis Pharma AG. In her current role, she mainly supports medical device and combination product development projects from a QA perspective, negotiates and approves QA agreements and establishes and maintains QA processes for medical device development. Silke joined Novartis in 2011 as Regulatory CMC Associate Director for Biologics from the medical devices company Ypsomed AG/Switzerland, where she was leading the regulatory affairs department.
Prior to Ypsomed AG, Silke worked for Sanofi-Aventis in Frankfurt/Germany and Holmes Chapel/UK holding different positions in Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance with main focus on biotech/biological products and combination products.
Silke is a food chemist/environmental toxicologist from education and holds a doctorate degree in molecular biology/cancer research from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern/Germany.