Tamara Will Emergo by UL
Tamara Will Emergo by UL
Tamara Will is a Senior Human Factors Specialist with Emergo by UL’s Human Factors (HF) team, and she is based in the Netherlands. Tamara has over seven years of experience conducting a wide range of HF activities, including advising clients on their HF strategy, as well as managing a variety of projects in Europe, the US, and Asia. Additionally, she has extensive experience conducting usability tests and developing a wide range of HFE documents including but not limited to use-related risk analyses, test protocols, test reports and HFE summary reports that satisfy regulators’ expectations. During recent years, she gradually focused on advocating the importance of considering local users’ experience and perspective in an increasingly global world. Furthermore, she occasionally gives guest lectures at a couple Dutch universities. Tamara holds a BSc in Psychology and a MSc in Applied Cognitive Psychology, both from Utrecht University.