PDA Capital Area: Whiskey Business Networking Reception
Become a Sponsor and/or Exhibitor
Registration Options
Individual Registration
Group Registration
Sponsorship Opportunities
We have opportunities for sponsorship for this event. We offer industry related suppliers/vendors, consultants, operating companies and other organizations the opportunity to promote themselves and also support the Chapter by purchasing one of these selections.
Please email: Dina El-Emary d.elemary@gmail.com and Martin Jenkins martinjenkinspmp@comcast.net
As a volunteer-led group, we are always looking to work closely with our supporters. We'd be happy to add sponsorships to fit your budget needs.
Discover What's Happening Each Day
6:00pm - 6:15pm | Doors Open
6:15pm - 6:45pm | Sponsor Announcements and Fun
6:45pm - 7:15pm | Not-So-GMP Trivia Special Guest Trivia Host
7:15pm - 8:15pm | Entertainment and Music
8:15pm - 8:30pm | Closing and Last Call
9:00pm | Event Ends
Location and Travel
Venue Details and Accommodations
PLEASE READ PDA is not affiliated or contracted with any outside hotel contracting company. If someone other than PDA or the PDA chosen hotel contacts you suggesting that they represent any PDA event, they do not. It is PDA's recommendation that you book your hotel directly through the official PDA chosen hotel that is listed on our web site.
Pricing Options
Reserve your spot now through the Registration tab - free of charge!
Become a Sponsor and/or Exhibitor
Amplify Your Presence and Reach Your Customers!
Become a Sponsor
Elevate your brand and maximize your exposure by becoming a sponsor at the PDA Capital Area: Whiskey Business Networking Reception! Connect with industry leaders, showcase your products and services, and establish your company as a key player in the field.
Request InformationBecome an Exhibitor
Boost your brand and visibility by becoming an exhibitor at the PDA Capital Area: Whiskey Business Networking Reception! Connect with industry influencers, showcase your products and services, and position your company as a key player in the field.
Request InformationHave a question or need assistance?
Send us a message, and our team will get back to you shortly. We're here to help!