PDA Europe Virtual Conference - Pharmaceutical Freeze Drying Technology
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Dear Colleagues,
We are proud to announce that this year’s PDA Europe Pharmaceutical Freeze Drying Technology will be presented as a Virtual Conference on 24-25 September.
With the 2020 theme of Lyophilization in an Evolving Regulatory & Manufacturing Environment the Program Planning Committee is currently putting together an exciting program presented in interactive online module sessions!
Raf De Dier, Janssen J&J, Chair
Yves Mayeresse, GSK Vaccines, Chair
Thomas Beutler, GEA
Anthony Cannon, MSD
Julian Gitter, Bayer
Sabine Hauck, Leukocare
Jörg Lümkemann, F. Hoffmann-La Roche
Sascha Pfeiffer, Lyo Engineering
Kevin Smyth, PDA Ireland Chapter
Falk Klar, PDA Europe
Sylvia Becker, PDA Europe
Program Highlights
Discover What's Happening Each Day
Thursday, 24 September 2020
Module I: Opening and Novel Manufacturing Technologies and Regulatory Updates
13:00 - 14:45 CEST
Welcome & Introductions | Falk Klar, PDA Europe |
Welcome from the Chairs | Raf De Dier, Janssen J&J, Chair Yves Mayeresse, GSK Vaccines , Chair |
Novel Manufacturing Technologies and Regulatory Updates |
Moderators: |
Challenging the Lyophilization Process to Provide Convenient, Cost Effective and Compliant Parenteral Drugs | Daniel Kullmann, Roche |
Regulatory Strategies and Approaches for Freeze-Drying – Industry Experience | Kristina Sennvik, GSK |
Updates on Annex 1 | Dieter Bachmann, Janssen Pharmaceuticals - a J&J Company |
Live Q & A, Discussion |
Break, Exhibition & Poster Session
14:45 - 15:45 CEST
Module II: Process Development and Formulation
15:45 - 18:10 CEST
Process Development and Formulation |
Moderators: |
Heat Flux Sensor to Create Design Space in Primary Drying | Monica Rosa, Coriolis |
Freeze Drying of Co-Solvent System at Bulk Stage | Yves Mayeresse, GSK Vaccines |
Break, Exhibition & Poster Session
Influence of Freezing Conditions in the Structure and Material Properties of a Freeze-Dried Protein Formulation | Maria Badal Tejedor, Cepheid |
Formulations to Stabilize Spray-Dried and E-Beam Sterilized H1N1 Influenza A Vaccines | Sabine Hauck, Leukocare |
Live Q & A, Discussion |
Virtual Networking Event
18:10-19:00 CEST
Revision of Annex 1 - What's New for Lyo? | Green Technologies - What's New in Manufacturing? |
Details subject to change without notice
Friday, 25 September 2020
Module III: Equipment and Primary Materials
11:00 - 13:15 CEST
Equipment and Primary Materials |
Moderators: |
Air Refrigeration for Lyophilization | Thomas Frank, Refolution |
Advanced Lyo Interfaces to Auto Loading Systems- Industries Requirements | Maik Guttzeit, Bayer |
Break, Exhibition & Poster Session
Extractables & Leachables Qualification of Container/Closure Systems for Freeze Dried Drug Products: Nice to Have or a Necessity? | Piet Christiaens, Nelson Labs |
Impact of Elastomeric Closures on A Freeze-Dried Cake | Simon Kervyn, Datwyler |
Live Q & A, Discussion |
Break, Exhibition & Poster Session
13:15 - 14:15 CEST
Module IV: Analytical Tools & Closing
14:15 - 15:45 CEST
Analytical Tools |
Moderators: |
Using Isothermal Calorimetry to Study the Influence of Excipients and Processes on the Glassy Dynamics of Lyophilized Products | Sebastian Groël, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich |
Z-FDM: Micro-Sample Impedance Spectroscopy for Freeze-Dried Formulation Development | Geoff Smith, De Montfort University |
Live Q & A, Discussion |
Conference Summary and Farewell | Raf De Dier, Janssen J&J Yves Mayeresse, GSK Vaccines |
Closing: Chair Awards, Outlook and Farewell | Falk Klar, PDA Europe |
Details subject to change without notice
Pricing Options
More information coming soon.
Standard Registration
GovernmentMember Only
€ 645
Health AuthorityMember Only
€ 645
AcademicMember Only
€ 645
WAYS TO REGISTER: 1. Online Registration 2. registration-europe@pda.org
PDA MEMBERS: Please remember to log in before registering If you come from a Governmental or Health Authority Institution or from an Academic Organization, please contact registration-europe@pda.org before registering.
If you need to apply for a visa to enter the event country, PDA Europe must be informed of this fact at least 4 weeks before the start of the event.
Sponsor information will be available soon
We're currently finalizing our list of sponsors and will share the details shortly.
Become a Sponsor and/or Exhibitor
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Boost your brand and visibility by becoming an exhibitor at the PDA Europe Virtual Conference - Pharmaceutical Freeze Drying Technology! Connect with industry influencers, showcase your products and services, and position your company as a key player in the field.
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