Award Winner (2024, Frederick Carleton Award) 2023: Masahiro Akimoto
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Masahiro Akimoto
Heartseed Inc.
I was surprised and incredibly honored to receive this award. Words cannot fully express my gratitude for this recognition. Receiving this award reminds me of the importance of learning, collaborating and communicating on pharmaceutical science acilitated by PDA. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the PDA Board of Directors and staff, SAB, RAQAB and JPDA members and the companies that have provided me with much support. Encouragement from those I have worked with in the past and present has been a constant source of my motivation to improve my skills and knowledge.
I have also realized how crucial it is to communicate within the industry and PDA to share knowledge and keep improving my expertise. I look forward to opportunities with other members to share information and ideas to solve quality assurance-related issues, and help contribute to the knowledge development of younger members.
About Masahiro Akimoto
In his approximately 25 years in the field, Masahiro has been involved with CMC development, strategic quality planning for CTM production of both sterile and oral-solid dosages, technical transfer managements to U.S. and EU CMOs, preparation of the quality sections of the marketing authorization dossier, and quality assurance for system audits for regulatory compliance and continuous improvement.
Masahiro earned his master's degree in pharmaceutical science (physical chemistry) from the graduate school of the Pharmaceutical Institute, Tohoku University in 1987. He has been a registered pharmacist and an ASQ certified quality engineer.
An active member of PDA for 20 years, Masahiro has been a member of the Board of the Japan Chapter since 2009 and the Annual Meeting Program Planning Committee since 2012. He was instrumental in the arranging speakers for successful collaborative meetings with the PDA-EU Chapter and PDA Global. He is also a member of PDA's Science Advisory Board (SAB), the Aseptic Processing Points to Consider Task Force (2016) and the Sterile Product GMP and development QA committees of the Japan Chapter.