Award Winner (2024, Michael Korczynski Award) 2023: Richard Denk

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Richard Denk

Richard Denk


When I was informed about the nomination for the award, I couldn't believe it. My first thought was what an incredible honor and then I had to reflect on why this happened to me! Of course, I have received other awards, but never a personalized award such as the “PDA Michael Korczynski Award” recognizing international engagement. The fact that the award is for international commitment is particularly valuable to me, as I see myself as an international voice in the production of sterile pharmaceuticals. It is also important to me personally that medicines are manufactured safely, globally. These are important for my family, friends and the community of the world in which we live.

Every day I get up excited about what comes next including the new daily challenges as well as the long-term prospects. I am a student of lifelong learning and have been in the industry for more than 30 years, and all the knowledge I’ve gained I give back to my company as well as the global community.

About Richard Denk

Richard Denk is a Senior Consultant in Aseptic Processing and Containment at SKAN AG. Denk was a PDA Isolator Expert Group member and publisher of the PDA Paper Isolator Surfaces and Contamination Risk to Personnel and Patients.

Furthermore, Denk is a member of the PDA Advisory Board for ATMPs, and he is a member of the ISO TC 198 WG-9 Aseptic Isolator Group. Denk founded 15 years ago the Containment Expert Group of the ISPE D / A / CH. The Containment Expert Group published the Containment Manual that Denk was responsible for in September 2021. Denk has spent more than 30 years with the subject production of aseptic processing and highly active/highly hazardous substances and has developed the containment pyramid.