Adam Beebe Seattle Children’s Therapeutics

Adam  Beebe

Adam Beebe Seattle Children’s Therapeutics

I am, Adam Bebee, the Manufacturing Manager at the Therapeutic Cell Production Core with Seattle Children’s Therapeutics (SCTx). I have been with Children’s for a little over 10 years and been part of the immunotherapy program for clinical trials since we kicked off the first (of now 14, 16 by years end) clinical trials supported by Seattle Children’s. I’ve learned pretty much everything I know about GMP manufacturing in that time working through process and protocol development and scaling R&D to GMP. I went to school at Willamette University and studying biology and chemistry and worked in biotech prior to my current role, working on natural product drug discovery and structural analysis. I have had the privilege of learning and working alongside very experienced GMP minds and of course amazing research led my Dr. Mike Jensen.