Arthur Vellutato, Jr. Veltek Associates, Inc.

Arthur Vellutato, Jr.

Arthur Vellutato, Jr. Veltek Associates, Inc.

Art Vellutato, Jr., is the President and CEO of Veltek Associates, Inc. (VAI is an EPA, FDA, and ISO 9001 registered facility) founded in 1981. He is also the President and Senior Consultant of Aseptic Processing, Inc., the consulting division of Veltek Associates, Inc. He is a frequent industry speaker with over 75 industry publications and is one of the leading consultants in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry specializing in contamination control, cleaning, disinfection, gowning and environmental monitoring. He lends over 30 years of experience that include his tenure as the V.P of Quality Assurance, the V.P of Validation, and the V.P of Manufacturing at VAI. Art Vellutato, Jr., has conducted training on Cleaning/Disinfection/Contamination Control/EM to the FDA (CDER and CBER) routinely from 2002-2017. He also conducted training for the EMEA in 2004-2012, the Kazakhstan (Russian) Regulatory Agency in 2005 and 2008, and the TGA in 2009 and 2012. Art Vellutato has trained 624,012 industry professionals to date.

Art Vellutato, Jr., is a faculty member at the Parenteral Drug Association’s Training and Research Institute (PDA TRI) for the Aseptic Processing Course (Cleaning and Disinfection Segment), the Coordinator and Faculty Trainer of the PDA TRI Cleaning and Disinfection Course, the Coordinator and Faculty Trainer of the PDA TRI Contamination Control Course, the Chairman of the PDA Cleaning and Disinfection Special Interest Group and PDA Task Force, the Chairman and Technical Writer for the PDA Task Force on Cleaning and Disinfection (TR70), and the Past President of the Delaware Valley Chapter of the PDA (after 15 years). He was named the James P. Agalloco Award – PDA Excellence in Training in 2011, and the 2017 PDA Gordon Personas Award. Art Vellutato, Jr., is also a Faculty Member United States Pharmacopeia (USP) for USP <797> Workshops and a Faculty Trainer for the Aseptic Processing course at Aseptic Training Institute – Clayton, NC.